path: root/frontend/app/Schema.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/app/Schema.hs')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/app/Schema.hs b/frontend/app/Schema.hs
index b1618d3..8e3b7da 100644
--- a/frontend/app/Schema.hs
+++ b/frontend/app/Schema.hs
@@ -51,12 +51,14 @@ instance A.FromJSONKey MisoString where
data Property
= Type MisoString
| Reference MisoString
+ | Union [MisoString]
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance A.FromJSON Property where
parseJSON = A.withObject "Property" $ \v ->
(Type <$> v A..: "type")
<|> (Reference <$> v A..: "$ref")
+ <|> (fmap Union $ traverse (A..: "type") =<< v A..: "oneOf")
viewSchema :: Schema -> View action
viewSchema schema =
@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ viewSchema schema =
( case v of
Type v -> toMisoString v
Reference v -> "reference to " <> toMisoString v
+ Union vs -> Miso.String.intercalate " or " vs
text (if k `S.member` schema.required then "" else "?")
@@ -112,24 +115,67 @@ schemaTable collection schema values =
schemaForm :: Schema -> F.Form A.Object A.Object
schemaForm schema =
- let handleOptional k toJson form
- | toMisoString (AK.toText k) `S.member` schema.required = toJson <$> form
- | otherwise = maybe A.Null toJson <$> F.optional form
- typeForm k (Type "number") =
- Just $ handleOptional k (A.Number . fromFloatDigits) $ F.inputNumber (toMisoString (AK.toString k))
- typeForm k (Type "string") =
- Just $
- handleOptional k (A.String . fromMisoString) $
- F.inputText (toMisoString (AK.toString k))
- typeForm _ (Reference _) = Nothing
- in fmap mergeJson . sequence . catMaybes $
- ( \((AK.fromText . fromMisoString) -> k, v) ->
- fmap (AM.singleton k)
- . F.mapValues (getO k) (setO k)
- . F.mapValues fromJson toJson
- <$> typeForm k v
- )
- <$> (M.toList schema.properties)
+ fmap mergeJson . sequence . catMaybes $
+ ( \((AK.fromText . fromMisoString) -> k, v) ->
+ case v of
+ Type "string" ->
+ Just $
+ if toMisoString (AK.toText k) `S.member` schema.required
+ then
+ AM.singleton k
+ <$> ( F.mapValues (getO k) (setO k) $
+ fmap (A.String . fromMisoString) . F.mapValues fromJson toJson $
+ F.inputText (toMisoString (AK.toString k))
+ )
+ else
+ AM.singleton k
+ <$> ( F.mapValues (getO k) (setO k)
+ $ fmap (maybe A.Null (A.String . fromMisoString))
+ . F.mapValues fromJson toJson
+ $ F.optional (F.inputText (toMisoString (AK.toString k)))
+ )
+ Type "number" ->
+ Just $
+ if toMisoString (AK.toText k) `S.member` schema.required
+ then
+ AM.singleton k
+ <$> ( F.mapValues (getO k) (setO k) $
+ fmap ((A.Number . fromFloatDigits)) . F.mapValues fromJson toJson $
+ F.inputNumber (toMisoString (AK.toString k))
+ )
+ else
+ AM.singleton k
+ <$> ( F.mapValues (getO k) (setO k)
+ $ fmap (maybe A.Null (A.Number . fromFloatDigits))
+ . F.mapValues fromJson toJson
+ $ F.optional (F.inputNumber (toMisoString (AK.toString k)))
+ )
+ Reference _ -> Nothing
+ Union typeStrings ->
+ let mapOutput = \case
+ F.IsString s -> A.String s
+ F.IsNumber i -> A.Number (fromIntegral i)
+ typeStringToType "number" = F.NumberType
+ typeStringToType "string" = F.StringType
+ in Just $
+ if toMisoString (AK.toText k) `S.member` schema.required
+ then
+ AM.singleton k
+ <$> ( F.mapValues (getO k) (setO k) $
+ F.mapValues fromJson toJson $
+ F.mapValues _getter _setter $
+ fmap mapOutput <$>
+ F.inputUnion (toMisoString (AK.toString k)) (map typeStringToType typeStrings)
+ )
+ else undefined
+ -- AM.singleton k
+ -- <$> ( F.mapValues (getO k) (setO k)
+ -- $ fmap (maybe A.Null (A.Number . fromFloatDigits))
+ -- . F.mapValues fromJson toJson
+ -- $ F.optional unionForm
+ -- )
+ )
+ <$> (M.toList schema.properties)
mergeJson :: [A.Object] -> A.Object
mergeJson = foldl' mergeObject AM.empty
@@ -139,12 +185,10 @@ mergeObject kvs kvs' = AM.union kvs kvs'
fromJson :: A.Value -> MisoString
fromJson (A.String x) = toMisoString x
-fromJson (A.Number x) = toMisoString (show x)
fromJson _ = ""
toJson :: MisoString -> A.Value -> A.Value
-toJson x _
- | otherwise = A.String (fromMisoString x)
+toJson x _ = A.String (fromMisoString x)
getO :: AK.Key -> A.Object -> A.Value
getO k kvs = fromMaybe A.Null (AM.lookup k kvs)