# REST API Reference ## Collection type API ### Create collection type entities You can create a new collection type entities. If the collection does not exist, it will automatically be created. The following call to `POST /api/rest/collection/entity` creates a new entity with fields `name` and `description`. ```console curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity --data @- <<'EOF' | jq . { "name": "Entity 1", "description": "Description of entity 1" } EOF ``` Note that the created entity is returned, including the meta field `$id`. ```json { "$id": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508", "description": "Description of entity 1", "name": "Entity 1" } ``` To demonstrate other API capabilities, go ahead and create a second entity. ```console curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity --data @- <<'EOF' | jq . { "name": "Entity 2", "description": "Description of entity 2" } EOF ``` ```json { "$id": "ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b", "description": "Description of entity 2", "name": "Entity 2" } ``` ### Retrieving a collection type's schema With having entities, a collection schema is automatically inferred, and can be queried. ```console curl http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/schema | jq . ``` As one would expect, the schema lists the fields `name`, `description` as required fields of type `string`. ```json { "$id": "entity.schema.json", "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema", "properties": { "$id": { "type": "string" }, "description": { "type": "string" }, "name": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "$id", "description", "name" ], "title": "entity", "type": "object" } ``` ### Retrieving a single collection entity Single collection entities can be retrieved using their unique `$id` identifier. ```console curl http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508 | jq . ``` ```json { "$id": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508", "description": "Description of entity 1", "name": "Entity 1" } ``` ### Retrieving all collection entities All collection entities can be requested as well. ```console curl http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity | jq . ``` ```json [ { "$id": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508", "description": "Description of entity 1", "name": "Entity 1" }, { "$id": "ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b", "description": "Description of entity 2", "name": "Entity 2" } ] ``` ### Updating a collection entity Updating a collection entity is possible by send only select fields. ```console curl -X PUT http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b --data @- <<'EOF' | jq . { "description": "Entity 2 description" } EOF ``` The endpoint returns the full, updated entity. ```json { "$id": "ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b", "description": "Entity 2 description", "name": "Entity 2" } ``` Fields can be deleted setting them their values to `null`. ```console curl -X PUT http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b --data @- <<'EOF' | jq . { "description": null } EOF ``` Again, the response contains the full entity after the update. ```json { "$id": "ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b", "name": "Entity 2" } ``` ## Retrieving the global schema version Because we have deleted a required field, we have changed the `entity` collectiontype's schema. The collection type's schema endpoint reflects that change. ```console curl http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/schema | jq . ``` ```json { "$id": "entity.schema.json", "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema", "properties": { "$id": { "type": "string" }, "description": { "type": "string" }, "name": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "$id", "name" ], "title": "entity", "type": "object" } ``` What's more, the global schema version records this backwards-incompatible (breaking) change. ```console curl http://localhost:8081/api/rest/schemaVersion | jq . ``` ```json "1.2.0" ``` ### Deleting collection entities ```console curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508 | jq . ``` ```json { "$id": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508", "description": "Description of entity 1", "name": "Entity 1" } ```