path: root/app/History.hs
diff options
authorLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2023-12-08 03:04:43 +0100
committerLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2023-12-08 03:04:43 +0100
commit5842e730152a2ae11fc8772a505baa3ba81b1e9c (patch)
treeb1c51d7371a173e646d6ac1bb0f9a15e96e34c58 /app/History.hs
parentc1ff403387064ff0027b9e762cc6f6a8fa20c8d9 (diff)
chore: drop `Git.withWorkingTree`
Diffstat (limited to 'app/History.hs')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/app/History.hs b/app/History.hs
index 70fc123..5b2dab3 100644
--- a/app/History.hs
+++ b/app/History.hs
@@ -26,14 +26,12 @@ import Git.CommitHash (CommitHash (..))
import Git.CommitHash qualified as C
import Issue qualified as I
import Issue.Parser qualified as I
-import Issue.Provenance qualified as I
import Issue.Tag qualified as I
import Issue.Text qualified as I
import IssueEvent (IssueEvent (..))
import Patch qualified as A
import Process (proc, sh)
import Render qualified as P
-import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
import System.Process.Typed (setWorkingDir)
@@ -97,35 +95,31 @@ data Scramble = Scramble
deriving (Show, Binary, Generic)
getScrambleOf :: CommitHash -> IO Scramble
-getScrambleOf commitHash@WorkingTree = do
- (issues, filesChanged) <- getIssuesAndFilesWorkingTreeChanged []
- pure $ Scramble {..}
-getScrambleOf commitHash@(Commit hash) = do
- (issues, filesChanged) <- getIssuesAndFilesCommitChanged hash
+getScrambleOf commitHash = do
+ (issues, filesChanged) <- getIssuesAndFilesChanged commitHash
pure $ Scramble {..}
--- | Given the hash of a commit, get all issues in the files which have
--- been changed by this commit, as well as all changed files.
-getIssuesAndFilesCommitChanged :: T.Text -> IO ([I.Issue], [FilePath])
-getIssuesAndFilesCommitChanged hash = do
- withSystemTempDirectory "history" $ \tmp -> do
- let cwd = tmp </> T.unpack hash
- Git.withWorkingTree cwd hash do
- files <- gitShowChanged cwd
- issues <- concat <$> catch (mapM (getIssues cwd) files) dieOfInvalidTreeGrepperResult
- pure (issues, files)
+getIssuesAndFilesChanged :: CommitHash -> IO ([I.Issue], [FilePath])
+getIssuesAndFilesChanged commitHash = do
+ files <- Git.getChangedFilesOf commitHash
+ issues <-
+ concat
+ <$> catch
+ (mapM (getIssues commitHash) files)
+ (\(e :: E.InvalidTreeGrepperResult) -> die (show e))
+ pure (issues, files)
-- | Get all issues in the given directory and file.
-getIssues :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [I.Issue]
-getIssues cwd filename =
+getIssues :: CommitHash -> FilePath -> IO [I.Issue]
+getIssues commitHash filename =
handle (\(_ :: E.UnknownFileExtension) -> pure []) $
- fmap catMaybes . mapM (fromComment cwd)
- =<< G.getComments cwd filename
+ fmap catMaybes . mapM (fromComment commitHash)
+ =<< G.getComments commitHash filename
-- | Note that `provenance` is trivial and needs to be fixed up later.
-fromComment :: FilePath -> G.Comment -> IO (Maybe I.Issue)
-fromComment cwd comment = do
- commit <- I.commitFromHEAD cwd
+fromComment :: CommitHash -> G.Comment -> IO (Maybe I.Issue)
+fromComment commitHash comment = do
+ commit <- Git.getCommitOf commitHash
let provenance = I.Provenance commit commit
pure $
@@ -151,33 +145,6 @@ fromComment cwd comment = do
(commentStyle, rawText) = G.uncomment comment.file_type comment.text
-dieOfInvalidTreeGrepperResult :: E.InvalidTreeGrepperResult -> IO a
-dieOfInvalidTreeGrepperResult (E.InvalidTreeGrepperResult e) =
- die e
--- | Gets issues in all files which have been changed in your current
--- [working
--- - tree](https://git-scm.com/docs/gitglossary#Documentation/gitglossary.txt-aiddefworkingtreeaworkingtree)
-getIssuesAndFilesWorkingTreeChanged :: [FilePath] -> IO ([I.Issue], [FilePath])
-getIssuesAndFilesWorkingTreeChanged paths = do
- cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
- files <- gitLsFilesModifiedIn cwd paths
- issues <- concat <$> catch (mapM (getIssues cwd) files) dieOfInvalidTreeGrepperResult
- pure (issues, files)
-gitShowChanged :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
-gitShowChanged cwd =
- map T.unpack . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict
- <$> sh ("git show -p --name-only --format=''" & setWorkingDir cwd)
-gitLsFilesModifiedIn :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
-gitLsFilesModifiedIn cwd paths =
- map T.unpack . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict
- <$> sh
- ( proc "git ls-files --modified %" ("--" : paths)
- & setWorkingDir cwd
- )
propagate :: CommitHash -> History -> Scramble -> IO History
propagate commitHash oldHistory scramble = do
let issues = propagateIssues oldHistory.issues scramble