path: root/app/Git.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/Git.hs')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/app/Git.hs b/app/Git.hs
index 0b8a561..a3c82fa 100644
--- a/app/Git.hs
+++ b/app/Git.hs
@@ -1,36 +1,111 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Git
( module Git.CommitHash,
- withWorkingTree,
+ getChangedFilesOf,
+ Commit (..),
+ Author (..),
+ getCommitOf,
+ readTextFileOf,
-import Control.Exception (finally, throw)
-import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as LB8
+import Control.Exception (throw, throwIO)
+import Data.Binary (Binary, Put, get, put)
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LB
+import Data.Fixed (Pico)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as N
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T
+import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as LT
+import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding qualified as LT
+import Data.Text.Lazy.IO qualified as LT
+import Data.Time.Calendar (Day (..), toModifiedJulianDay)
+import Data.Time.Clock (DiffTime, UTCTime (..), getCurrentTime, picosecondsToDiffTime)
import Exception qualified as E
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Git.CommitHash
-import Process (proc, sh, sh_)
-import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
-import System.FilePath (dropTrailingPathSeparator, takeDirectory)
--- | Runs an IO-action within a working tree.
-withWorkingTree :: FilePath -> T.Text -> IO a -> IO a
-withWorkingTree path hash action = do
- createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory (dropTrailingPathSeparator path))
- sh_ $ proc "git worktree add --quiet --detach % %" path hash
- action `finally` do
- sh_ $ proc "git worktree remove --force %" path
+import Process (proc, sh)
+import Prelude hiding (lines)
getCommitHashes :: IO (NonEmpty T.Text)
-getCommitHashes = fromMaybe (throw E.NoCommits) . N.nonEmpty . reverse . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB8.toStrict <$> sh "git log --format=%H"
+getCommitHashes = fromMaybe (throw E.NoCommits) . N.nonEmpty . reverse . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict <$> sh "git log --format=%H"
getRootDir :: IO FilePath
-getRootDir = T.unpack . stripTrailingNL . T.decodeUtf8 . LB8.toStrict <$> sh (proc "git rev-parse --show-toplevel")
+getRootDir = T.unpack . stripTrailingNL . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict <$> sh (proc "git rev-parse --show-toplevel")
stripTrailingNL s = fromMaybe s $ T.stripSuffix "\n" s
+getChangedFilesOf :: CommitHash -> IO [FilePath]
+getChangedFilesOf WorkingTree = do
+ map T.unpack . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict
+ <$> sh "git ls-files --modified"
+getChangedFilesOf (Commit hash) = do
+ map T.unpack . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict
+ <$> sh (proc "git show -p --name-only --format= %" hash)
+data Commit = Commit'
+ { commitHash :: CommitHash,
+ date :: UTCTime,
+ author :: Author
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq)
+data Author = Author
+ { name :: T.Text,
+ email :: T.Text
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq)
+-- XXX These are taken from `Data.Binary.Orphans` [1]. I cannot get importing
+-- the instance from the package to work.. so we use `-fno-warn-orphans` here.
+-- [1] https://hackage.haskell.org/package/binary-orphans-
+instance Binary UTCTime where
+ get = UTCTime <$> get <*> get
+ put (UTCTime d dt) = put d >> put dt
+instance Binary Day where
+ get = fmap ModifiedJulianDay get
+ put = put . toModifiedJulianDay
+instance Binary DiffTime where
+ get = fmap picosecondsToDiffTime get
+ put = (put :: Pico -> Put) . realToFrac
+getCommitOf :: CommitHash -> IO Commit
+getCommitOf commitHash@WorkingTree = do
+ date <- getCurrentTime
+ authorName <- T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict <$> sh "git config user.name"
+ authorEmail <- T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict <$> sh "git config user.email"
+ pure
+ Commit'
+ { author = Author authorName authorEmail,
+ ..
+ }
+getCommitOf commitHash@(Commit hash) = do
+ ( T.splitOn "\NUL" . head . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict
+ <$> sh
+ ( proc
+ "git show --quiet --format=%%ai%%x00%%ae%%x00%%an %"
+ hash
+ )
+ )
+ >>= \case
+ rawDate : authorEmail : authorName : _ ->
+ let date = read (T.unpack rawDate)
+ in pure
+ Commit'
+ { author = Author authorName authorEmail,
+ ..
+ }
+ _ -> throwIO E.NoCommits
+readTextFileOf :: CommitHash -> FilePath -> IO LT.Text
+readTextFileOf WorkingTree filePath = LT.readFile filePath
+readTextFileOf (Commit hash) filePath =
+ LT.decodeUtf8 <$> sh (proc "git show %:%" hash filePath)