path: root/app/History/IssueEvents.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/History/IssueEvents.hs')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/History/IssueEvents.hs b/app/History/IssueEvents.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..176d660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/History/IssueEvents.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+module History.IssueEvents
+ ( IssueEvents (..),
+ )
+import Data.Binary (Binary)
+import Data.Function (on)
+import Data.List
+import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
+import Data.Map qualified as M
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Ord (comparing)
+import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import Git qualified
+import History.Plan (Id, Planable, Proto, assume, propagate, protoOf)
+import History.Scramble (Scramble (..), getIssuesOfFile)
+import Issue (Issue (..))
+import IssueEvent (IssueEvent (..))
+import IssueEvent qualified as E
+data IssueEvents = IssueEvents
+ { commitHash :: Git.CommitHash,
+ issueEvents :: [E.IssueEvent]
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Generic, Binary)
+instance Planable IssueEvents where
+ type Id IssueEvents = Git.CommitHash
+ type Proto IssueEvents = Scramble
+ protoOf :: Proxy IssueEvents -> Git.CommitHash -> IO Scramble
+ protoOf _ commitHash@Git.WorkingTree = do
+ filesChanged <- Git.getFilesOf commitHash
+ issues <- concat <$> mapM (getIssuesOfFile commitHash) filesChanged
+ pure $
+ Scramble
+ { issues =
+ M.unions
+ [ M.singleton issue.id issue | issue <- issues
+ ],
+ ..
+ }
+ protoOf _ commitHash@(Git.Commit _) = do
+ filesChanged <- Git.getChangedFilesOf commitHash
+ issues <- concat <$> mapM (getIssuesOfFile commitHash) filesChanged
+ pure $
+ Scramble
+ { issues =
+ M.unions
+ [ M.singleton issue.id issue | issue <- issues
+ ],
+ ..
+ }
+ assume :: Scramble -> IssueEvents
+ assume Scramble {..} =
+ IssueEvents
+ { issueEvents =
+ [ IssueCreated commitHash issue
+ | issue <- M.elems issues
+ ],
+ ..
+ }
+ propagate ::
+ [Git.CommitHash] ->
+ IssueEvents ->
+ Scramble ->
+ IssueEvents
+ propagate = propagateIssueEvents
+-- | Propagates issue events from a top commit to a consecutive bottom commit.
+-- Because we are building the history of issue events backwards, we use *top* and *bottom* to refer to the later and earlier commit within the Git history, respectively. We use *earlier* and *later* to refer to the top and bottom commits within the application of this function. In particular, top commits are processed earlier, and bottom commits are processed later.
+-- For the top/earlier commit, issue events are known. For the bottom/later commit, only the scramble is known.
+-- The scramble is said to *witness* an issue, if its changed files contain the issue's file. Thus, in addition to the issues a scramble contains, it witnesses the issues that have been deleted in the scramble's commit.
+-- Because we are building the history from top/earlier to bottom/later commits, we have to assume that at any top/earlier commit, the issues present have been created in that commit. This function advances the issue's original commit as we learn about bottom/later commits from scrambles.
+-- A scramble *advances* an issue's original commit if contains it or does not witness it. In particular, a scramble does NOT advance an issue's original commit, if it *just witnesses* it (ie. witnesses it, but does not contain it). To understand this, consider the following scenarios (A) and (B). Suppose the top/ earlier commit is `commit-c`, and the bottom/ later commit is `commit-a`. Between them, the commit `commit-b` is intermediary. Suppose for scenario (A) that `issue-1` is created in `commit-a`, deleted in `commit-b` and re-opened in `commit-c`. Suppose for scenario (B) that `issue-1` is originally created in `commit-c`. Then, at `commit-b` the following holds true:
+-- - The issue `issue-1` has been created in `commit-c`, because it is present.
+-- - The issue `issue-1 is not present in `commit-b`.
+-- - The scramble of `commit-b` can witness `issue-1` in both scenarios (A), (B) even though it does not contain it.
+-- Thus, we cannot decide at `commit-b` whether `issue-1` has been initially created in the top/ earlier commit `commit-c`, or whether is has been re-opened in `commit-c`. We need the information of presence in `commit-a` to decide this.
+-- The most confusing edge case it the re-opening of issues. Suppose `issue-1` has been created in `commit-a`, deleted in `commit-b` and re-opened in `commit-c`. Contrast this with the scenario that `issue-1` has initially been created in `commit-c`. Observe the following as we propagate events from `commmit-c` to `commit-a`:
+-- - At `commit-c`: `issue-1` is present in both scenarios, thus it is initially tracked as "created" in `commit-c`.
+-- - At `commit-b`: `issue-1` is NOT present in both scenarios. Note that the scramble can witness `issue-1` in either cases.
+-- - At `commit-a`: `issue-1` is present in the first scenario, but not in the second.
+-- So, in the case `issue-1` has been re-opened, we cannot track its deletion at `commit-b`, because whether it was re-opened or originally created at `commit-b` depends on whether `issue-1` is present in the bottom `commit-a`, that we process only later. Thus, the scramble of commit `commit-b` cannot safely advance the issue's original commit, and we use this information to track re-opening of commits at later commits.
+-- Note that in the whole process, issue change events and issue deletion events can never be bottom-most/latest events, as they would depend on information not yet known, ie. the first commit can neither change nor delete an issue.
+propagateIssueEvents :: [Git.CommitHash] -> IssueEvents -> Scramble -> IssueEvents
+propagateIssueEvents log topIssueEvents bottomScramble =
+ IssueEvents
+ { commitHash = bottomScramble.commitHash,
+ issueEvents =
+ sortOn logOrder $
+ let issueEventsPerIssue =
+ groupPerIssue topIssueEvents.issueEvents
+ in concat
+ [ -- CASE 1. The issue is present in the top/earlier history and bottom/later scramble. We can safely advance the issue's original commit.
+ concat
+ [ NE.init issueEvents ++ case NE.last issueEvents of
+ (IssueCreated commitHash issue) ->
+ if commitHash /= topCommitHash
+ then
+ [ IssueCreated commitHash issue,
+ IssueDeleted topCommitHash issue,
+ IssueCreated bottomCommitHash bottomIssue
+ ]
+ else
+ concat
+ [ if topIssue `neq` bottomIssue
+ then [IssueChanged commitHash bottomIssue issue]
+ else [],
+ [IssueCreated bottomCommitHash bottomIssue]
+ ]
+ _ -> error "bottom issues can only be created"
+ | issueEvents <- issueEventsPerIssue,
+ let topIssue = issue (NE.last issueEvents),
+ bottomIssue <- bottomIssues,
+ bottomIssue `sym` topIssue
+ ],
+ concat
+ [ -- CASE 2. The issue is present in the top/earlier history, not contained in the bottom/later scramble, but witnessed by the bottom/later scramble. We cannot safely advance the issue's original commit.
+ NE.init issueEvents ++ case NE.last issueEvents of
+ (IssueCreated commitHash issue) -> [IssueCreated commitHash issue]
+ _ -> error "bottom issues can only be created"
+ | issueEvents <- issueEventsPerIssue,
+ let topIssue = issue (NE.last issueEvents),
+ all (`nsym` topIssue) bottomIssues,
+ topIssue.file `elem` bottomScramble.filesChanged
+ ],
+ concat
+ [ -- CASE 3. The issue is present in the top/earlier history, but not witnessed by the bottom/later scramble. It is safe to advance the issue's commit hash.
+ NE.init issueEvents ++ case NE.last issueEvents of
+ (IssueCreated _ issue) -> [IssueCreated bottomCommitHash issue]
+ _ -> error "bottom issues can only be created"
+ | issueEvents <- issueEventsPerIssue,
+ let topIssue = issue (NE.last issueEvents),
+ all (`nsym` topIssue) bottomIssues,
+ not (topIssue.file `elem` bottomScramble.filesChanged)
+ ],
+ concat
+ [ -- CASE 4. The issue it not present in the top/earlier history, but contained in the bottom scramble. It had to be deleted by the top/ earlier commit.
+ [ IssueDeleted topIssueEvents.commitHash bottomIssue,
+ IssueCreated bottomCommitHash bottomIssue
+ ]
+ | bottomIssue <- bottomIssues,
+ all ((`nsym` bottomIssue) . issue . NE.last) issueEventsPerIssue
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ where
+ groupPerIssue =
+ map (NE.sortBy (comparing logOrder)) . NE.groupBy (sym `on` issue) . sortOn ((.id) . issue)
+ topCommitHash = topIssueEvents.commitHash
+ bottomCommitHash = bottomScramble.commitHash
+ bottomIssues = M.elems bottomScramble.issues
+ neq, sym, nsym :: Issue -> Issue -> Bool
+ sym = (==) `on` (.id)
+ nsym = (/=) `on` (.id)
+ neq = (/=) `on` (.rawTextHash)
+ commitHash (IssueChanged commitHash _ _) = commitHash
+ commitHash (IssueCreated commitHash _) = commitHash
+ commitHash (IssueDeleted commitHash _) = commitHash
+ issue (IssueChanged _ _ issue) = issue
+ issue (IssueCreated _ issue) = issue
+ issue (IssueDeleted _ issue) = issue
+ logOrder = fromMaybe (-1) . (`elemIndex` log) . commitHash