module Backend ( module Backend.CommitHash, getCommitHashes, getParentCommitHashOf, getRootDir, getFilesOf, getChangedFilesOf, Commit (..), Author (..), getCommitOf, readTextFileOfText, readTextFileOfBS, resolveRef, getCommitsBetween, diffOf, ) where import Backend.CommitHash import Control.Exception (IOException, catch, throwIO) import Data.Binary (Binary) import Data.Binary.Instances () import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LB import Data.ByteString.UTF8 qualified as B import Data.List (sort) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe) import Data.Tagged import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as LT import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding qualified as LT import Data.Text.Lazy.IO qualified as LT import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime) import Data.Time.LocalTime (zonedTimeToUTC) import Exception qualified as E import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Git qualified as Git import Git.Libgit2 (LgRepo, lgFactory) import Patch qualified as A import Process (proc, sh, sh_) import Safe (headMay) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import Text.Printf (printf) getCommitHashes :: Maybe CommitHash -> Maybe CommitHash -> IO [CommitHash] getCommitHashes maybeBottomCommit Nothing = getCommitHashes maybeBottomCommit (Just WorkingTree) getCommitHashes (Just WorkingTree) (Just WorkingTree) = pure [WorkingTree] getCommitHashes (Just WorkingTree) (Just (Commit _)) = pure [] getCommitHashes Nothing (Just WorkingTree) = (WorkingTree :) . map (Commit . Git.renderOid . untag) . reverse <$> Git.withRepository lgFactory "." do Just head <- Git.resolveReference "HEAD" Git.listCommits Nothing (Tagged head) getCommitHashes (Just (Commit bottomHash)) (Just WorkingTree) = (WorkingTree :) . map (Commit . Git.renderOid . untag) . reverse <$> Git.withRepository lgFactory "." do Just headRef <- Git.resolveReference "HEAD" bottomRef <- Git.parseOid bottomHash Git.listCommits (Just (Tagged bottomRef)) (Tagged headRef) getCommitHashes Nothing (Just (Commit topHash)) = (WorkingTree :) . map (Commit . Git.renderOid . untag) . reverse <$> Git.withRepository lgFactory "." do topRef <- Git.parseOid topHash Git.listCommits Nothing (Tagged topRef) getCommitHashes (Just (Commit bottomHash)) (Just (Commit topHash)) = (WorkingTree :) . map (Commit . Git.renderOid . untag) . reverse <$> Git.withRepository lgFactory "." do topRef <- Git.parseOid topHash bottomRef <- Git.parseOid bottomHash Git.listCommits (Just (Tagged bottomRef)) (Tagged topRef) getRootDir :: IO FilePath getRootDir = T.unpack . stripTrailingNL <$> sh (proc "git rev-parse --show-toplevel") where stripTrailingNL s = fromMaybe s $ T.stripSuffix "\n" s getFilesOf :: CommitHash -> IO [FilePath] getFilesOf WorkingTree = map T.unpack . T.lines <$> sh "git ls-files --cached --modified --others --exclude-standard --full-name" getFilesOf (Commit commit) = map snd <$> getFilesWithOidOf commit getChangedFilesOf :: CommitHash -> IO [FilePath] getChangedFilesOf WorkingTree = map T.unpack . T.lines <$> sh "git ls-files --modified --others --exclude-standard --full-name" getChangedFilesOf (Commit commit) = do maybeParentCommit <- getParentCommitHashOf (Commit commit) case maybeParentCommit of Nothing -> getFilesOf (Commit commit) Just parentCommit -> do files <- getFilesWithOidOf commit parentFiles <- getFilesWithOidOf parentCommit let addedFiles = map snd . filter ( \(_, filePath) -> all (\(_, filePath') -> filePath /= filePath') parentFiles ) $ files deletedFiles = map snd . filter ( \(_, filePath) -> all (\(_, filePath') -> filePath /= filePath') files ) $ parentFiles changedFiles = [ snd file | file <- files, parentFile <- parentFiles, snd file == snd parentFile, fst file /= fst parentFile ] pure $ sort $ addedFiles ++ deletedFiles ++ changedFiles getParentCommitHashOf :: CommitHash -> IO (Maybe T.Text) getParentCommitHashOf commitHash = fmap Git.renderOid <$> case commitHash of WorkingTree -> Git.withRepository lgFactory "." do Git.resolveReference "HEAD" Commit hash -> Git.withRepository lgFactory "." do hashRef <- Git.parseOid hash commit <- Git.lookupCommit (Tagged hashRef) pure (untag <$> (headMay (Git.commitParents commit))) getFilesWithOidOf :: T.Text -> IO [(Git.BlobOid LgRepo, FilePath)] getFilesWithOidOf hash = do mapMaybe ( \(filePath, treeEntry) -> case treeEntry of Git.BlobEntry {Git.blobEntryOid, Git.blobEntryKind = Git.PlainBlob} -> Just (blobEntryOid, B.toString filePath) _ -> Nothing ) <$> ( Git.withRepository lgFactory "." $ do head <- Git.parseOid hash commit <- Git.lookupCommit (Tagged head) tree <- Git.lookupTree (Git.commitTree commit) Git.listTreeEntries tree ) data Commit = Commit' { commitHash :: CommitHash, date :: UTCTime, author :: Author } deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq) data Author = Author { name :: T.Text, email :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq) getCommitOf :: CommitHash -> IO Commit getCommitOf commitHash@WorkingTree = do date <- maybe getCurrentTime (pure . read) =<< lookupEnv "FAKETIME" authorName <- T.strip <$> sh "git config" authorEmail <- T.strip <$> sh "git config" pure Commit' { author = Author authorName authorEmail, .. } getCommitOf commitHash@(Commit hash) = do Git.withRepository lgFactory "." $ do head <- Git.parseOid hash commit <- Git.lookupCommit (Tagged head) let authorName = Git.signatureName (Git.commitAuthor commit) authorEmail = Git.signatureEmail (Git.commitAuthor commit) date = zonedTimeToUTC (Git.signatureWhen (Git.commitAuthor commit)) pure Commit' { author = Author authorName authorEmail, .. } readTextFileOfText :: CommitHash -> FilePath -> IO LT.Text readTextFileOfText = readTextFileOf LT.readFile LT.decodeUtf8 readTextFileOfBS :: CommitHash -> FilePath -> IO LB.ByteString readTextFileOfBS = readTextFileOf LB.readFile id readTextFileOf :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> (LB.ByteString -> a) -> CommitHash -> FilePath -> IO a readTextFileOf readFile _ WorkingTree filePath = catch (readFile filePath) (\(_ :: IOException) -> throwIO (E.CannotReadFile filePath)) readTextFileOf _ decode (Commit hash) filePath = maybe (throwIO (E.CannotReadFile (printf "%s:%s" hash filePath))) (pure . decode) =<< Git.withRepository lgFactory "." do hashRef <- Git.parseOid hash commit <- Git.lookupCommit (Tagged hashRef) Git.commitTreeEntry commit (B.fromString filePath) >>= \case Just ( Git.BlobEntry { Git.blobEntryOid, Git.blobEntryKind = Git.PlainBlob } ) -> Just <$> Git.catBlobLazy blobEntryOid _ -> pure Nothing resolveRef :: T.Text -> IO CommitHash resolveRef = fmap (Commit . T.strip . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict) . sh . proc "git rev-parse %" -- | `getCommitsBetween prevCommit commit` returns the commits from `prevCommit` to `commit`. The result excludes `prevCommit`, but includes `commit`. -- -- If `prevCommit` is not an ancestor of `commit`, this functions throws `NoAncestor commit prevCommit`. getCommitsBetween :: CommitHash -> CommitHash -> IO [CommitHash] getCommitsBetween WorkingTree commit@(Commit _) = throwIO (E.NoAncestor WorkingTree commit) getCommitsBetween WorkingTree WorkingTree = pure [WorkingTree] getCommitsBetween prevCommit WorkingTree = fmap (++ [WorkingTree]) . getCommitsBetween prevCommit =<< resolveRef "HEAD" getCommitsBetween prevCommit@(Commit prevHash) commit@(Commit hash) = do catch (sh_ (proc "git merge-base --is-ancestor % %" prevHash hash)) (\(_ :: E.ProcessException) -> throwIO (E.NoAncestor commit prevCommit)) map (Commit . T.strip) . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict <$> sh (proc "git log --format=%%H %..%" prevHash hash) diffOf :: CommitHash -> CommitHash -> IO A.Patch diffOf prevHash hash = A.parse . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict <$> sh (proc "git diff % %" (toTextUnsafe prevHash) (toTextUnsafe hash))