module History ( History (..), getHistory, ) where import CMark qualified as D import Cache (cachedMaybe) import Comment qualified as G import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Exception (catch, handle, try) import Data.Binary (Binary) import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LB import Data.Function (on, (&)) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as N import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T import Data.Text.IO qualified as T import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as LT import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding qualified as LT import Die (die) import Exception qualified as E import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Git qualified import Git.CommitHash (CommitHash (..)) import Git.CommitHash qualified as C import Issue qualified as I import Issue.Parser qualified as I import Issue.Tag qualified as I import Issue.Text qualified as I import IssueEvent (IssueEvent (..)) import Patch qualified as A import Process (proc, sh) import Render qualified as P import System.FilePath (()) import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory) import System.Process.Typed (setWorkingDir) import Tuple () -- TODO Reduce cached data size -- -- Right now we are caching complete `Issue` instances, which -- contain the full issue title and description. For a fast -- lookup it may already be enough to only store the issue's -- -- \* filename -- \* start position -- \* end position -- -- With this information we can use git to quickly look up the -- complete issue text and parse it. -- -- @topic caching -- @backlog data History = History { commitHash :: CommitHash, issues :: M.Map T.Text I.Issue, issueEvents :: [IssueEvent] } deriving (Show, Generic, Binary) getHistory :: IO History getHistory = getHistoryOf WorkingTree getHistoryOf :: CommitHash -> IO History getHistoryOf commitHash = cachedMaybe (C.toText commitHash) do maybeParentCommitHash <- getParentCommitHashOf commitHash case maybeParentCommitHash of Just parentCommitHash -> do parentHistory <- getHistoryOf parentCommitHash scramble <- getScrambleOf commitHash propagate commitHash parentHistory scramble Nothing -> unsafeAssume commitHash =<< getScrambleOf commitHash getParentCommitHashOf :: CommitHash -> IO (Maybe CommitHash) getParentCommitHashOf commitHash = either (\_ -> Nothing) (Just . Commit . T.strip . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict) <$> try @E.ProcessException ( case commitHash of WorkingTree -> sh "git show -s --format=%H HEAD" Commit hash -> sh (proc "git show -s --format=%%H %^" hash) ) -- | `Scramble` records the complete issues ONLY in files that have -- been changed in the commit. data Scramble = Scramble { commitHash :: CommitHash, filesChanged :: [FilePath], issues :: M.Map T.Text I.Issue } deriving (Show, Binary, Generic) getScrambleOf :: CommitHash -> IO Scramble getScrambleOf commitHash = do (issues, filesChanged) <- first (M.fromList . map (\i -> (, i))) <$> getIssuesAndFilesChanged commitHash pure $ Scramble {..} getIssuesAndFilesChanged :: CommitHash -> IO ([I.Issue], [FilePath]) getIssuesAndFilesChanged commitHash = do files <- Git.getChangedFilesOf commitHash issues <- concat <$> catch (mapM (getIssues commitHash) files) (\(e :: E.InvalidTreeGrepperResult) -> die (show e)) pure (issues, files) -- | Get all issues in the given directory and file. getIssues :: CommitHash -> FilePath -> IO [I.Issue] getIssues commitHash filename = handle (\(_ :: E.UnknownFileExtension) -> pure []) $ fmap catMaybes . mapM (fromComment commitHash) =<< G.getComments commitHash filename -- | Note that `provenance` is trivial and needs to be fixed up later. fromComment :: CommitHash -> G.Comment -> IO (Maybe I.Issue) fromComment commitHash comment = do commit <- Git.getCommitOf commitHash let provenance = I.Provenance commit commit pure $ ( \parseResult -> let (markers, title) = I.stripIssueMarkers (T.pack (show (P.render parseResult.heading))) in I.Issue { title = title, description = N.nonEmpty parseResult.paragraphs, file = comment.filePath, provenance = provenance, startPoint = comment.startPoint, endPoint = comment.endPoint, tags = I.extractTags parseResult.tags, markers = markers, rawText = rawText, commentStyle = commentStyle, comments = N.nonEmpty parseResult.comments, closed = False } ) <$> I.parse I.issueMarkers (D.commonmarkToNode [] rawText) where (commentStyle, rawText) = G.uncomment comment.language comment.text propagate :: CommitHash -> History -> Scramble -> IO History propagate commitHash oldHistory scramble = do let issues = propagateIssues oldHistory.issues scramble issueEvents <- propagateIssueEvents oldHistory.issueEvents oldHistory.issues commitHash issues pure $ History {..} propagateIssues :: M.Map T.Text I.Issue -> Scramble -> M.Map T.Text I.Issue propagateIssues oldIssues scramble = M.mergeWithKey ( \_ old new -> Just $ new { I.provenance = I.Provenance { first = old.provenance.first, last = if ((/=) `on` (.rawText)) old new then new.provenance.last else old.provenance.last }, I.closed = False } ) ( ( \old -> if M.member scramble.issues || not (old.file `elem` scramble.filesChanged) then old else old {I.closed = True} ) ) id oldIssues scramble.issues propagateIssueEvents :: [IssueEvent] -> M.Map T.Text I.Issue -> CommitHash -> M.Map T.Text I.Issue -> IO [IssueEvent] propagateIssueEvents oldIssueEvents oldIssues commitHash issues = fmap (oldIssueEvents ++) $ newIssueEvents oldIssues commitHash issues newIssueEvents :: M.Map T.Text I.Issue -> CommitHash -> M.Map T.Text I.Issue -> IO [IssueEvent] newIssueEvents oldIssues' commitHash issues' = sequence $ concat [ [ IssueCreated commitHash issue <$> patchCreated issue | issue <- M.elems (issues `M.difference` oldIssues) ], [ IssueChanged commitHash oldIssue newIssue <$> patchChanged oldIssue newIssue | (newIssue, oldIssue) <- M.elems (M.intersectionWith (,) issues oldIssues), newIssue `neq` oldIssue ], [ IssueDeleted commitHash issue {I.closed = True} <$> patchDeleted issue | issue <- M.elems (oldIssues `M.difference` issues) ] ] where issues = M.filter (not . (.closed)) issues' oldIssues = M.filter (not . (.closed)) oldIssues' patchCreated new = diff "" new.rawText patchChanged old new = diff old.rawText new.rawText patchDeleted old = diff old.rawText "" diff old new = withSystemTempDirectory "diff" $ \tmp -> do let cwd = tmp T.writeFile (tmp "old") old T.writeFile (tmp "new") new A.parse . LT.toStrict . LT.decodeUtf8 <$> sh ("git diff --no-index -- old new || :" & setWorkingDir cwd) neq = (/=) `on` (.rawText) unsafeAssume :: CommitHash -> Scramble -> IO History unsafeAssume commitHash scramble = do let issues = scramble.issues issueEvents <- propagateIssueEvents [] M.empty commitHash issues pure $ History {..}