module History.Plan ( Planable (..), formulate, realise, ) where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread) import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue, TVar, atomically, newTQueueIO, newTVarIO, readTQueue, readTVar, retry, writeTQueue, writeTVar) import Control.Monad (forever) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy)) import Data.Time.Clock import Parallel (parMapM_) import System.IO (hFlush, hPutStr, stderr, stdout) import System.Time.Monotonic (Clock, clockGetTime, newClock) import Text.Printf (printf) -- | Left-associative monadic fold of a structure with automatic parallelism, status-reporting and intermittent results (cacelability). -- -- Semantically, `realise (formulate xs)` is equivalent to -- -- ```haskell -- \(x:xs) -> foldM propagate (assume <$> protoOf x) =<< mapM protoOf xs -- ``` -- -- However, this module provides the following features: -- -- - `protoOf` and `propagate` are computed in parallel, -- - `propagate` is scheduled to terminate as soon as possible, -- -- This makes it possible to scale the computation across multiple cores, but still interrupt the process for intermittent results. -- -- Additionally, a progress report is presented on stdout. class Planable output where type Id output :: Type type Proto output :: Type protoOf :: Proxy output -> Id output -> IO (Proto output) assume :: Proto output -> output propagate :: [Id output] -> output -> Proto output -> output postprocess :: [Id output] -> output -> output postprocess _ = id data Plan output = Plan (NE.NonEmpty (Id output)) [Task output] data Task output = Compute (Id output) | Propagate (Maybe (Id output)) (Id output) isCompute, isPropagate :: Task output -> Bool isCompute (Compute _) = True isCompute _ = False isPropagate (Propagate _ _) = True isPropagate _ = False formulate :: Planable output => Proxy output -> NE.NonEmpty (Id output) -> Plan output formulate _ ids@(NE.uncons -> (id, (maybe [] NE.toList -> rest))) = Plan ids $ Compute id : Propagate Nothing id : concat ( zipWith ( \id id' -> [ Compute id, Propagate id' id ] ) rest (map Just (id : rest)) ) data State output = State { tasks :: [Task output], protos :: M.Map (Id output) (Proto output), outputs :: M.Map (Id output) output, elapsed :: Clock } realise :: (Ord (Id output), Planable output) => Plan output -> IO output realise plan@(Plan ids tasks) = do elapsed <- newClock let state0 = State { tasks = tasks, protos = M.empty, outputs = M.empty, elapsed = elapsed } stateT <- newTVarIO state0 statusT <- newTQueueIO tid <- forkIO $ forever do state <- atomically (readTQueue statusT) hPutStr stderr . printStatus =<< status state0 state hFlush stdout parMapM_ (step Proxy plan statusT stateT) tasks let id = NE.last ids output <- atomically $ do maybe retry pure . M.lookup id . (.outputs) =<< readTVar stateT killThread tid pure (postprocess (NE.toList ids) output) step :: (Ord (Id output), Planable output) => Proxy output -> Plan output -> TQueue (State output) -> TVar (State output) -> Task output -> IO () step proxy _ statusT stateT (Compute id) = do proto <- protoOf proxy id atomically do state <- readTVar stateT let state' = state {protos = M.insert id proto state.protos} writeTVar stateT state' writeTQueue statusT state' pure () step _ (Plan ids _) statusT stateT (Propagate (Just id') id) = do (output, proto) <- atomically do state <- readTVar stateT output <- maybe retry pure (M.lookup id' state.outputs) proto <- maybe retry pure (M.lookup id state.protos) pure (output, proto) let output' = propagate (NE.toList ids) output proto atomically do state <- readTVar stateT let state' = state {outputs = M.insert id output' state.outputs} writeTVar stateT state' writeTQueue statusT state' step _ _ statusT stateT (Propagate Nothing id) = do proto <- atomically do state <- readTVar stateT maybe retry pure (M.lookup id state.protos) let output = assume proto atomically do state <- readTVar stateT let state' = state {outputs = M.insert id output state.outputs} writeTVar stateT state' writeTQueue statusT state' data Status = Status { numTasks :: Progress Int, numProtos :: Progress Int, numOutputs :: Progress Int, elapsed :: DiffTime } deriving (Show, Eq) data Progress a = Progress { total :: a, completed :: a } deriving (Show, Eq) status :: State output -> State output -> IO Status status state0 state = do let totalTasks = length state0.tasks totalProtos = length (filter isCompute state0.tasks) totalOutputs = length (filter isPropagate state0.tasks) completedTasks = completedProtos + completedOutputs completedProtos = M.size state.protos completedOutputs = M.size state.outputs elapsed <- clockGetTime state.elapsed pure Status { numTasks = Progress totalTasks completedTasks, numProtos = Progress totalProtos completedProtos, numOutputs = Progress totalOutputs completedOutputs, elapsed = elapsed } printStatus :: Status -> String printStatus Status {..} = do let formatProgress completed total = pad total completed <> "/" <> total pad total completed = replicate (length total - length completed) ' ' <> completed eta = formatEta ( (fromIntegral * (realToFrac elapsed)) / fromIntegral numTasks.completed ) (<> "\r") . intercalate " " $ [ formatProgress (show numTasks.completed) (show, formatProgress (show numProtos.completed) (show, formatProgress (show numOutputs.completed) (show, "ETA " <> eta ] formatEta :: Double -> String formatEta s = do if s < 60 then printf "%.1fs" s else do let m = s / 60 if m < 60 then printf "%.1fm" m else do let h = m / 60 if h < 24 then printf "%.1hf" h else do let d = h / 24 printf "%.1fd" d