{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Issue ( Issue (..), Provenance (..), id, internalTags, replaceText, ) where import CMark qualified as D import CMark.Extra () import Comment qualified as G import Comment.Language qualified as G import Data.Binary (Binary (..)) import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LB import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA qualified as S import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as N import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T import Data.Text.IO qualified as T import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (utctDay)) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.Records (HasField (..)) import Git (Author (..), Commit (..)) import Git qualified as Git import Issue.Parser qualified as I import Issue.Provenance (Provenance (..)) import Issue.Tag (Tag (..)) import Issue.Text qualified as I import Prelude hiding (id) data Issue = Issue { commitHash :: Git.CommitHash, language :: G.Language, rawTextHash :: S.Digest S.SHA1State, title :: T.Text, file :: FilePath, provenance :: Provenance, startByte :: Int, endByte :: Int, startPoint :: G.Point, endPoint :: G.Point, tags :: [Tag], markers :: [T.Text], commentStyle :: G.CommentStyle, closed :: Bool } deriving (Show, Binary, Generic, Eq) instance HasField "description" Issue (IO (Maybe (NonEmpty D.Node))) where getField issue = do rawText <- issue.rawText let node = D.commonmarkToNode [] rawText case I.parse I.issueMarkers node of Just parseResult -> pure (N.nonEmpty parseResult.paragraphs) Nothing -> pure Nothing instance HasField "rawText" Issue (IO T.Text) where getField issue = do text <- getText issue let (_, rawText) = G.uncomment issue.language text pure rawText instance HasField "comments" Issue (IO (Maybe (NonEmpty [D.Node]))) where getField issue = do rawText <- issue.rawText let node = D.commonmarkToNode [] rawText case I.parse I.issueMarkers node of Just parseResult -> pure (N.nonEmpty parseResult.comments) Nothing -> pure Nothing id :: Issue -> T.Text id issue = toSpinalCase issue.title where toSpinalCase = T.replace " " "-" . T.filter keep . T.toLower keep = (`elem` (concat [[' ', '-'], ['a' .. 'z'], ['0' .. '9']])) internalTags :: Issue -> [Tag] internalTags issue@(Issue {..}) = concat [ [ Tag "id" $ Just issue.id, Tag "createdAt" $ Just $ T.pack $ show $ utctDay provenance.first.date, Tag "modifiedAt" $ Just $ T.pack $ show $ utctDay provenance.last.date, Tag "author" $ Just provenance.first.author.name, Tag "editor" $ Just provenance.last.author.name, Tag "state" $ Just $ if closed then "closed" else "open" ], map (Tag "type" . Just) markers ] instance HasField "internalTags" Issue [Tag] where getField issue = internalTags issue instance HasField "id" Issue T.Text where getField issue = id issue getText :: Issue -> IO T.Text getText (Issue {..}) = T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict . LB.take (fromIntegral (endByte - startByte)) . LB.drop (fromIntegral startByte) <$> Git.readTextFileOfBS commitHash file replaceText :: Issue -> T.Text -> IO () replaceText issue s' = T.writeFile issue.file . replace (indent (comment s')) =<< T.readFile issue.file where comment = T.intercalate "\n" . map T.strip . T.lines . G.comment issue.commentStyle indent = T.intercalate "\n" . mapButFirst (T.replicate (issue.startPoint.column - 1) " " <>) . T.lines replace s t = before <> s <> after where t' = T.lines t before = T.intercalate "\n" (mapLast (T.take (issue.startPoint.column - 1)) (take issue.startPoint.row t')) after = T.unlines (mapFirst (T.drop issue.endPoint.column) (drop (issue.endPoint.row - 1) t')) mapFirst _ [] = [] mapFirst f (x : xs) = f x : xs mapLast _ [] = [] mapLast f [x] = [f x] mapLast f (x : xs) = x : mapLast f xs mapButFirst _ [] = [] mapButFirst f (x : xs) = x : map f xs