path: root/app
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/app/Main.hs b/app/Main.hs
index d0df4d1..2e64edc 100644
--- a/app/Main.hs
+++ b/app/Main.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Data.Default
import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA (sha256, showDigest)
import Data.List
import Data.Map qualified as M
-import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Set qualified as S
import Data.String (IsString (fromString))
import Data.Text qualified as T
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ data Cmd
{ keep :: Bool,
inputs :: [FilePath]
+ | Edit
+ { indexNames :: [FilePath]
+ }
| List
{ filters :: [Filter],
todo :: Bool,
@@ -71,6 +74,8 @@ cmd =
O.hsubparser . mconcat $
[ O.command "consume" . consumeCmd $
O.progDesc "Consume document(s)",
+ O.command "edit" . editCmd $
+ O.progDesc "Edit document(s)",
O.command "list" . listCmd $
O.progDesc "List document(s)",
O.command "todo" . todoCmd $
@@ -85,6 +90,11 @@ consumeCmd =
<$> keepArg
<*> inputsArg
+editCmd :: O.Parser Cmd
+editCmd =
+ Edit
+ <$> indexNamesArg
listCmd :: O.Parser Cmd
listCmd =
@@ -175,6 +185,9 @@ main = do
Args {cmd = Consume {keep, inputs}} ->
mapM_ putStrLn
=<< parMapM (consume1 keep) (map (cwd </>) inputs)
+ Args {cmd = Edit {indexNames}} -> do
+ editDocuments
+ =<< mapM (readDocument . (<.> "json")) indexNames
Args {cmd = List {filters, redo, todo = False, view = False}} -> do
doRedoIf filters redo
@@ -222,6 +235,15 @@ data Document = Document
deriving (Show)
+tagValues :: [Document] -> M.Map T.Text (S.Set T.Text)
+tagValues docs =
+ M.unionsWith S.union $
+ mapMaybe
+ ( \(Tag tagKey tagValue) ->
+ M.singleton tagKey . S.singleton <$> tagValue
+ )
+ (S.toList (S.unions (map (.index.tags) docs)))
instance HasField "oFilePath" Document FilePath where
getField doc = "originals" </> takeBaseName doc.iFileName <.> "pdf"
@@ -255,6 +277,7 @@ processDocuments docs =
mapM_ (uncurry processDocuments') (zip [1 :: Int ..] docs)
numDocs = length docs
+ tagValues' = tagValues docs
processDocuments' n (doc@Document {iFileName, index}) = do
choice <-
@@ -273,16 +296,9 @@ processDocuments docs =
case choice of
"f" -> do
printf "%s\n" (takeBaseName doc.iFileName)
- printf
- "%s\n"
- ( T.unlines
- . filter (not . T.null)
- . map T.strip
- . T.lines
- $ doc.index.originalText
- )
+ printf "%s\n" doc.index.originalText
processDocuments' n doc
- "p" -> processDocument doc
+ "p" -> processDocument tagValues' doc
"s" -> pure ()
"v" -> do
viewDocuments [doc]
@@ -298,8 +314,34 @@ viewDocuments docs =
-processDocument :: Document -> IO ()
-processDocument (Document {iFileName, index}) = do
+editDocuments :: [Document] -> IO ()
+editDocuments docs =
+ withSystemTempDirectory "apaperless" $ \tmp -> do
+ let fp doc = tmp </> takeBaseName doc.iFileName <.> "txt"
+ mapM_
+ ( \doc ->
+ T.writeFile (fp doc) doc.index.originalText
+ )
+ docs
+ sh_
+ ( "vim "
+ <> ( intercalate
+ " "
+ (map (\doc -> printf "'%s'" (fp doc)) docs)
+ )
+ )
+ mapM_
+ ( \doc -> do
+ originalText <- T.readFile (fp doc)
+ withGit do
+ J.encodeFile doc.iFilePath doc.index {originalText = originalText}
+ commitAll [doc.iFilePath] (printf "edit %s" (takeBaseName doc.iFilePath))
+ pure originalText
+ )
+ docs
+processDocument :: M.Map T.Text (S.Set T.Text) -> Document -> IO ()
+processDocument tagValues (Document {iFileName, index}) = do
printf "%s\n" index.originalText
let suggestedTags =
[ Tag "correspondent" (Just ""),
@@ -308,7 +350,7 @@ processDocument (Document {iFileName, index}) = do
tags <-
S.fromList . catMaybes
- <$> mapM processSuggestedTag suggestedTags
+ <$> mapM (processSuggestedTag tagValues) suggestedTags
let tags' = S.delete (Tag "todo" Nothing) (index.tags `S.union` tags)
index' = index {tags = tags'}
iFilePath = "index" </> iFileName
@@ -316,12 +358,15 @@ processDocument (Document {iFileName, index}) = do
J.encodeFile iFilePath index'
commitAll [iFilePath] (printf "process %s (interactive)" iFilePath)
-processSuggestedTag :: Tag -> IO (Maybe Tag)
-processSuggestedTag tag@(Tag tagKey Nothing) = do
+processSuggestedTag :: M.Map T.Text (S.Set T.Text) -> Tag -> IO (Maybe Tag)
+processSuggestedTag _ tag@(Tag tagKey Nothing) = do
choice <- promptChoice (Just "n") ["n", "y"] (printf "tag with %s?" tagKey)
pure $ if (choice == "y") then Just tag else Nothing
-processSuggestedTag (Tag tagKey (Just _)) = do
- tagValue <- promptString [] (printf "tag with %s?" tagKey)
+processSuggestedTag tagValues (Tag tagKey (Just _)) = do
+ tagValue <-
+ promptString
+ (maybe [] S.toList (M.lookup tagKey tagValues))
+ (printf "tag with %s?" tagKey)
pure $
if not (T.null tagValue)
then Just (Tag tagKey (Just tagValue))
@@ -419,7 +464,7 @@ consume1 keep filePath = do
originalText <- do
originalText' <-
T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict
- <$> sh (printf "pdftotext '%s' -" filePath)
+ <$> sh (printf "pdftotext -layout '%s' -" filePath)
let hasText = (not . T.null) . T.strip $ originalText'
if not hasText
then ocr filePath
@@ -498,11 +543,7 @@ instance J.FromJSON Index
instance HasField "shortText" Index T.Text where
getField =
- T.unlines
- . take 10
- . filter (not . T.null)
- . map T.strip
- . T.lines
+ (T.unlines . take 10 . T.lines)
. (.originalText)
data Tag = Tag T.Text (Maybe T.Text)