BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainfix: remove too much space before weatherLibravatar Fabian Kirchner7 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-08-13fix: remove too much space before weathermainLibravatar Fabian Kirchner
2024-08-13fix: improve rendering of bat symbolsLibravatar Fabian Kirchner
2024-08-13feat: add thermal infoLibravatar Fabian Kirchner
2024-08-13chore(sensors): 272b3ac -> 835b030Libravatar Alexander Foremny
2024-08-13fix: improve blinking of nearly empty discharging batteryLibravatar Fabian Kirchner
2024-08-13fix: use dull green for min tempLibravatar Fabian Kirchner
2024-08-13fix: insert space between forecast symbol and temperaturesLibravatar Fabian Kirchner
2024-08-13chore: drop unnecessary importLibravatar Alexander Foremny
2024-08-13feat: add all weather iconsLibravatar Alexander Foremny
2024-08-13feat: show weather temperaturesLibravatar Fabian Kirchner