path: root/app/Sensor.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/Sensor.hs')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/app/Sensor.hs b/app/Sensor.hs
index 2342807..7d9324b 100644
--- a/app/Sensor.hs
+++ b/app/Sensor.hs
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras qualified as X
import Pretty qualified as P
import Process.Shell (sh)
import Safe
+import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Error
import System.Linux.Inotify qualified as I
@@ -126,14 +127,17 @@ cpu = transform "cpu" f cpu'
data IoStat = IoStat {unIoStat :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq)
ioStat :: Sensor IoStat
-ioStat = pollFile "ioStat" aggregate "/sys/block/nvme0n1/stat" (5 * 10 ^ 5)
+ioStat = poll' "ioStat" aggregate (5 * 10 ^ 5)
- aggregate fp = liftIO do
- stat <- readFile fp
+ aggregate = liftIO do
+ fmap (IoStat . sum) . mapM (aggregate' . ("/sys/block" </>))
+ =<< listDirectory "/sys/block"
+ aggregate' fp = do
+ stat <- readFile (fp </> "stat")
case words stat of
[_, _, read', _, _, _, write', _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _] ->
- pure (IoStat ((read read') + (read write')))
- _ -> error "/sys/block/nvme0n1/stat: malformed"
+ pure (read read' + read write')
+ _ -> error (printf "%s/stat: malformed" fp)
io' :: Sensor [IoStat]
io' = histogram "io'" [] (\b a -> take 7 (a : b)) ioStat
@@ -159,19 +163,15 @@ io = transform "io" f io'
data NetStat = NetStat {unNetStat :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq)
netStat :: Sensor NetStat
-netStat =
- pollFile
- "netStat"
- aggregate
- "/sys/class/net/wlan0/statistics/rx_bytes"
- (5 * 10 ^ 5)
+netStat = poll' "netStat" aggregate (5 * 10 ^ 5)
- aggregate fp = liftIO do
- NetStat
- <$> ( (+)
- <$> (read <$> readFile fp)
- <*> (read <$> readFile (takeDirectory fp </> "tx_bytes"))
- )
+ aggregate = liftIO do
+ is <- listDirectory "/sys/class/net"
+ NetStat . sum <$> mapM (aggregate' . ("/sys/class/net" </>)) is
+ aggregate' fp = do
+ (+)
+ <$> (read <$> readFile (fp </> "statistics/rx_bytes"))
+ <*> (read <$> readFile (fp </> "statistics/tx_bytes"))
net' :: Sensor [NetStat]
net' = histogram "net'" [] (\b a -> take 7 (a : b)) netStat
@@ -227,14 +227,24 @@ mem = transform "mem" (\(map unMemStat -> xs) -> pure (Mem xs)) mem'
data BatStat = BatStat {unBatStat :: Float} deriving (Show, Eq)
batStat :: Sensor BatStat
-batStat = pollFile "batStat" aggregate "/sys/class/power_supply/macsmc-battery/charge_now" (5 * 10 ^ 5)
+batStat = poll' "batStat" aggregate (5 * 10 ^ 5)
- aggregate fp = liftIO do
- BatStat
- <$> ( (\now full -> fromIntegral now / fromIntegral full)
- <$> (read <$> readFile fp)
- <*> (read <$> readFile (takeDirectory fp </> "charge_full"))
- )
+ aggregate = liftIO do
+ fmap (BatStat . product) . mapM (aggregate' . ("/sys/class/power_supply" </>))
+ =<< listDirectory "/sys/class/power_supply"
+ aggregate' fp =
+ choice 1 $
+ [ (/)
+ <$> (read <$> readFile (fp </> "charge_now"))
+ <*> (read <$> readFile (fp </> "charge_full")),
+ (/)
+ <$> (read <$> readFile (fp </> "energy_now"))
+ <*> (read <$> readFile (fp </> "energy_full"))
+ ]
+choice :: a -> [IO a] -> IO a
+choice def [] = pure def
+choice def (x : xs) = x `catch` (\(_ :: SomeException) -> choice def xs)
bat' :: Sensor [BatStat]
bat' = histogram "bat'" [] (\b a -> take 7 (a : b)) batStat
@@ -434,6 +444,16 @@ pollFile id aggregate fp delay = Sensor id $ memoizeMVar do
atomically (writeTVar stateT x)
pure stateT
+poll' :: String -> SensorM a -> Int -> Sensor a
+poll' id aggregate delay = Sensor id $ memoizeMVar do
+ stateT <- newTVarIO =<< aggregate
+ void $ forkIO $ forever do
+ -- liftIO (printf "[%s] aggregate\n" id)
+ x <- aggregate
+ threadDelay delay
+ atomically (writeTVar stateT x)
+ pure stateT
watchXPropertyChanges ::
String ->
[String] ->