diff options
authorLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2024-12-20 20:01:00 +0100
committerLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2025-02-19 19:02:11 +0100
commit1af7db8185394e9fd743e9e127c62a1837773ab4 (patch)
parent41836618067348df941df48145d8e4f8e6251f64 (diff)
`$fileName` -> `$id`, drop extension
7 files changed, 88 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/backend/app/Main.hs b/backend/app/Main.hs
index 2b461e5..c9db2ea 100644
--- a/backend/app/Main.hs
+++ b/backend/app/Main.hs
@@ -177,7 +177,10 @@ initRepo root ref = do
J.Array (V.toList -> (value : values)) <- do
liftIO . Q.withStore root ref . Q.withCommit cid $ do
Q.query (fromString ("SELECT " <> path <> " FROM " <> path))
- let schema = U.autoTypes' value values
+ let schema =
+ U.autoTypes'
+ (fileNameToId value)
+ (fileNameToId <$> values)
pure $ Collection path files schema
refMap <- liftIO . Q.withStore root ref . Q.withCommit cid $ do
@@ -262,7 +265,10 @@ instance Exception ReferenceViolation
buildRefMap :: Q.StoreM RefMap
buildRefMap = do
- allFiles <- S.fromList <$> Q.listFiles ""
+ allIds <-
+ S.fromList
+ . map ((,) <$> takeDirectory <*> (dropExtension . takeBaseName))
+ <$> Q.listFiles ""
refMap <-
( \refMap (referencee, reference) ->
@@ -274,12 +280,12 @@ buildRefMap = do
(RefMap M.empty M.empty)
. concat
<$> mapM
- ( \filePath -> do
- v@(J.Object _) <- Q.readFile @J.Value filePath
- pure (map (filePath,) (collectReferences v))
+ ( \(c, i) -> do
+ v@(J.Object _) <- head <$> Q.query (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName =~ /^%s\\.json$/" c c c (escapePCRE (T.pack i))))
+ pure (map (c </> i,) (collectReferences v))
- (S.toList allFiles)
- checkRefMap allFiles refMap
+ (S.toList allIds)
+ checkRefMap allIds refMap
pure refMap
collectReferences (J.Object kvs) =
@@ -289,10 +295,10 @@ buildRefMap = do
collectReferences (J.Array vs) = concatMap collectReferences vs
collectReferences _ = []
- checkRefMap allFiles (RefMap {referencees}) = do
+ checkRefMap allIds (RefMap {referencees}) = do
( \(reference, referencees) ->
- when (not (reference `S.member` allFiles)) do
+ when (not (reference `S.member` S.map (uncurry (</>)) allIds)) do
liftIO (throwIO (ReferenceViolation reference referencees))
(M.toList referencees)
@@ -359,8 +365,8 @@ queryApi root ref repoT app req resp = do
when (not (sameCommit lastCompatibleCommit lastCommit)) $
error "not implemented"
q <- fromString @Q.Query . LB.toString <$> W.lazyRequestBody req
- resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode
- =<< Q.withStore root ref do Q.query q
+ resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode . fileNameToId
+ =<< Q.withStore root ref do Q.query @J.Value q
_ -> do
error "not implemented"
_ -> app req resp
@@ -402,14 +408,14 @@ restApi root ref repoT app req resp = do
resp $ W.responseLBS W.status200 [] "{}"
("GET", ["collection", c]) -> do
- resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode
+ resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode . fileNameToId
=<< ( Q.withStore root ref $ Q.withCommit rev do
- Q.query (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s" c c))
+ Q.query @J.Value (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s" c c))
("GET", ["collection", c, "paginated", read @Int . T.unpack -> limit, read @Int . T.unpack -> offset]) -> do
- resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode
+ resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode . fileNameToId
=<< ( Q.withStore root ref $ Q.withCommit rev do
- Q.query
+ Q.query @J.Value
( fromString
( printf
"SELECT %s FROM %s%s%s"
@@ -421,37 +427,37 @@ restApi root ref repoT app req resp = do
("GET", ["collection", c, i]) -> do
- resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode . arrayHead
+ resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode . fileNameToId . head
=<< ( Q.withStore root ref $ Q.withCommit rev do
- Q.query (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName == \"%s\"" c c c i))
+ Q.query @[J.Value] (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName =~ /^%s\\.json$/" c c c (escapePCRE i)))
("PUT", ["collection", c, i]) -> do
when (not (sameCommit lastCompatibleCommit lastCommit)) $ error "not implemented"
o <- J.throwDecode @J.Object =<< W.lazyRequestBody req
- resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode . arrayHead
+ resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode . fileNameToId . head
=<< ( Q.withStore root ref do
- _ <- Q.query (fromString (printf "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s.$fileName == \"%s\"" c (LB.toString (J.encode o)) c i))
- J.Array (V.toList -> [J.Object r]) <- Q.query (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName == \"%s\"" c c c i))
- _ <- Q.query (fromString (printf "INSERT %s INTO %s" (LB.toString (J.encode (dropNulls r))) c))
+ _ <- Q.query @J.Value (fromString (printf "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s.$fileName =~ /^%s\\.json$/" c (LB.toString (J.encode o)) c (escapePCRE i)))
+ J.Array (V.toList -> [J.Object r]) <- Q.query @J.Value (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName =~ /^%s\\.json$/" c c c (escapePCRE i)))
+ _ <- Q.query @J.Value (fromString (printf "INSERT %s INTO %s" (LB.toString (J.encode (dropNulls r))) c))
_ <- buildRefMap
- Q.query (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName == \"%s\"" c c c i))
+ Q.query @[J.Value] (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName =~ /^%s\\.json$/" c c c (escapePCRE i)))
("POST", ["collection", c]) -> do
when (not (sameCommit lastCompatibleCommit lastCommit)) $ error "not implemented"
- i <- ((<> ".json") . U.toText) <$> getUUID
+ i <- U.toText <$> getUUID
o <- fmap dropNulls . J.throwDecode @J.Object =<< W.lazyRequestBody req
- resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode . arrayHead
+ resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode . fileNameToId . head
=<< ( Q.withStore root ref do
- _ <- Q.query (fromString (printf "INSERT %s INTO %s" (LB.toString (J.encode (JM.insert "$fileName" (J.String i) o))) c))
+ _ <- Q.query @J.Value (fromString (printf "INSERT %s INTO %s" (LB.toString (J.encode (JM.insert "$fileName" (J.String (i <> ".json")) o))) c))
_ <- buildRefMap
- Q.query (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName == \"%s\"" c c c i))
+ Q.query @[J.Value] (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName =~ /^%s\\.json$/" c c c (escapePCRE i)))
("DELETE", ["collection", c, i]) -> do
when (not (sameCommit lastCompatibleCommit lastCommit)) $ error "not implemented"
- resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode . arrayHead
+ resp . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] . J.encode . fileNameToId . head
=<< ( Q.withStore root ref do
- r <- Q.query (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName == \"%s\"" c c c i))
- Q.query (fromString (printf "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName == \"%s\"" c c i))
+ r <- Q.query @[J.Value] (fromString (printf "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName =~ /^%s\\.json$/" c c c (escapePCRE i)))
+ Q.query @J.Value (fromString (printf "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s.$fileName =~ /^%s\\.json$/" c c (escapePCRE i)))
_ <- buildRefMap
pure r
@@ -477,5 +483,28 @@ dropNulls =
_ -> Just v
-arrayHead :: J.Value -> J.Value
-arrayHead (J.Array v) = V.head v
+escapePCRE :: T.Text -> T.Text
+escapePCRE = T.pack . escapePCRE' . T.unpack
+escapePCRE' :: String -> String
+escapePCRE' [] = []
+escapePCRE' (c : cs) =
+ ((if c `elem` (".^$*+?()[{\\|" :: String) then ('\\' :) else id) [c])
+ <> escapePCRE' cs
+fileNameToId :: J.Value -> J.Value
+fileNameToId (J.Array xs) = J.Array (V.map fileNameToId xs)
+fileNameToId (J.Object kvs) =
+ J.Object
+ ( JM.foldrWithKey
+ ( \k v ->
+ case (k, v) of
+ ("$fileName", J.String v) ->
+ JM.insert "$id" (J.String (T.pack (dropExtension (T.unpack v))))
+ _ ->
+ JM.insert k (fileNameToId v)
+ )
+ JM.empty
+ $ kvs
+ )
+fileNameToId v = v
diff --git a/backend/backend.cabal b/backend/backend.cabal
index 5286cc8..335e8f3 100644
--- a/backend/backend.cabal
+++ b/backend/backend.cabal
@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ executable backend
+ regex,
+ regex-base,
+ regex-pcre,
diff --git a/common/src/Collection.hs b/common/src/Collection.hs
index 25cdec7..418278d 100644
--- a/common/src/Collection.hs
+++ b/common/src/Collection.hs
@@ -22,10 +22,7 @@ instance Read CollectionItem where
readPrec = R.lift $ do
(Collection . toMisoString -> collection) <- R.munch (/= '/')
_ <- R.string "/"
- itemFileName <- do
- itemFileName <- R.munch (liftA2 (&&) (/= '.') (/= '/'))
- fileExt <- R.string ".json"
- pure (itemFileName <> fileExt)
+ itemFileName <- R.munch (const True)
pure CollectionItem {..}
instance Show CollectionItem where
diff --git a/default.nix b/default.nix
index 9e66c80..7712bd6 100644
--- a/default.nix
+++ b/default.nix
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ rec {
+ pkgs.pkg-config
(pkgs.writeScriptBin "reload" ''
set -efu
diff --git a/docs/api-reference.md b/docs/api-reference.md
index 248ab8c..fd09ecc 100644
--- a/docs/api-reference.md
+++ b/docs/api-reference.md
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity --data @- <<'EOF'
-Note that the created entity is returned, including the meta field `$fileName`.
+Note that the created entity is returned, including the meta field `$id`.
- "$fileName": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508.json",
+ "$id": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508",
"description": "Description of entity 1",
"name": "Entity 1"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ EOF
- "$fileName": "ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b.json",
+ "$id": "ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b",
"description": "Description of entity 2",
"name": "Entity 2"
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ As one would expect, the schema lists the fields `name`, `description` as requir
"$id": "entity.schema.json",
"$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
"properties": {
- "$fileName": {
+ "$id": {
"type": "string"
"description": {
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ As one would expect, the schema lists the fields `name`, `description` as requir
"required": [
- "$fileName",
+ "$id",
@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ As one would expect, the schema lists the fields `name`, `description` as requir
### Retrieving a single collection entity
-Single collection entities can be retrieved using their unique `$fileName` identifier.
+Single collection entities can be retrieved using their unique `$id` identifier.
-curl http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508.json | jq .
+curl http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508 | jq .
- "$fileName": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508.json",
+ "$id": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508",
"description": "Description of entity 1",
"name": "Entity 1"
@@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ curl http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity | jq .
- "$fileName": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508.json",
+ "$id": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508",
"description": "Description of entity 1",
"name": "Entity 1"
- "$fileName": "ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b.json",
+ "$id": "ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b",
"description": "Description of entity 2",
"name": "Entity 2"
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ curl http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity | jq .
Updating a collection entity is possible by send only select fields.
-curl -X PUT http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b.json --data @- <<'EOF' | jq .
+curl -X PUT http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b --data @- <<'EOF' | jq .
"description": "Entity 2 description"
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ The endpoint returns the full, updated entity.
- "$fileName": "ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b.json",
+ "$id": "ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b",
"description": "Entity 2 description",
"name": "Entity 2"
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ The endpoint returns the full, updated entity.
Fields can be deleted setting them their values to `null`.
-curl -X PUT http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b.json --data @- <<'EOF' | jq .
+curl -X PUT http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b --data @- <<'EOF' | jq .
"description": null
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ Again, the response contains the full entity after the update.
- "$fileName": "ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b.json",
+ "$id": "ccccc18c-f3dc-4f98-b4d2-290ef76adb6b",
"name": "Entity 2"
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ curl http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/schema | jq .
"$id": "entity.schema.json",
"$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
"properties": {
- "$fileName": {
+ "$id": {
"type": "string"
"description": {
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ curl http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/schema | jq .
"required": [
- "$fileName",
+ "$id",
"title": "entity",
@@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ curl http://localhost:8081/api/rest/schemaVersion | jq .
### Deleting collection entities
-curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508.json | jq .
+curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8081/api/rest/collection/entity/9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508 | jq .
- "$fileName": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508.json",
+ "$id": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508",
"description": "Description of entity 1",
"name": "Entity 1"
diff --git a/docs/get-started-cli.md b/docs/get-started-cli.md
index 22c0a0f..46ee2cb 100644
--- a/docs/get-started-cli.md
+++ b/docs/get-started-cli.md
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Take note of the `$fileName` in the output. Note that it should be different for
- "$fileName": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508.json",
+ "$id": "9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508",
"description": "Welcome to Biscotte restaurant! Restaurant Biscotte offers a cuisine based on fresh, quality products, often local, organic when possible, and always produced by passionate producers.",
"name": "Biscotte Restaurant"
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Take note of the `$fileName` in the output. Note that it should be different for
acms collection add category <<'EOF'
"name": "French Food",
- "restaurant": { "$ref": "restaurant/9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508.json" }
+ "restaurant": { "$ref": "restaurant/9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508" }
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ EOF
acms collection add category <<'EOF'
"name": "Brunch",
- "restaurant": { "$ref": "restaurant/9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508.json" }
+ "restaurant": { "$ref": "restaurant/9474f0eb-06d7-4fd8-b89e-0ce996962508" }
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ curl 'http://localhost:8081/api/query' --data '
- category.restaurant == restaurant.$fileName
+ category.restaurant == restaurant.$id
' | jq .
diff --git a/frontend/app/Schema.hs b/frontend/app/Schema.hs
index cae9ed6..5f4ddae 100644
--- a/frontend/app/Schema.hs
+++ b/frontend/app/Schema.hs
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ schemaTable collection schema paginated =
[ td_ [] $
[ case (k, p, getO (AK.fromText (fromMisoString k)) value) of
- ("$fileName", _, A.String fn) ->
+ ("$id", _, A.String fn) ->
[ href_
(routeToMisoString (EditValue collection (toMisoString fn)))