path: root/acms/src/ACMS/ACMS.hs
diff options
authorLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2025-02-20 12:41:02 +0100
committerLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2025-02-20 18:36:23 +0100
commitc33d9a36ad934b4a1a84557ae4946dc43c6ff8ca (patch)
treec41910f21792e19381987602f95292f59bbafe8a /acms/src/ACMS/ACMS.hs
parent47e1fbf749292a76e4c29caa50fcf3b81f60f125 (diff)
add `acms serve`
Diffstat (limited to 'acms/src/ACMS/ACMS.hs')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/acms/src/ACMS/ACMS.hs b/acms/src/ACMS/ACMS.hs
index 12f8866..58efd5b 100644
--- a/acms/src/ACMS/ACMS.hs
+++ b/acms/src/ACMS/ACMS.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
-module ACMS.ACMS where
+module ACMS.ACMS
+ ( Config (..),
+ run,
+ )
import AutoTypes qualified as U
import AutoTypes.Unify qualified as U
-import Control.Applicative ((<**>))
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
@@ -32,7 +35,6 @@ import Git.Libgit2 qualified as GB
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status qualified as W
import Network.Wai qualified as W
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp qualified as W
-import Options.Applicative qualified as A
import Safe
import Store qualified as Q
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, makeAbsolute, setCurrentDirectory)
@@ -48,31 +50,6 @@ import Version
getUUID = maybe U.nextRandom (const randomIO) =<< lookupEnv "UUID_SEED"
-data Args = Args
- { cmd :: Cmd
- }
-args :: A.Parser Args
-args = Args <$> cmd'
-data Cmd = Serve
- { serverPort :: Int,
- contentRepositoryPath :: FilePath
- }
-cmd' :: A.Parser Cmd
-cmd' =
- A.hsubparser . mconcat $
- [ A.command "serve" . A.info serveCmd $
- A.progDesc "Run webserver"
- ]
-serveCmd :: A.Parser Cmd
-serveCmd = do
- serverPort <- A.option A.auto (A.metavar "PORT" <> A.showDefault <> A.value 8081 <> A.long "port" <> A.short 'p' <> A.help "The server port")
- contentRepositoryPath <- A.strArgument (A.metavar "PATH" <> A.help "Path to the content repository")
- pure Serve {..}
data Repo = Repo
{ commits :: [Commit]
@@ -296,42 +273,45 @@ buildRefMap = do
(M.toList referencees)
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
+data Config = Config
+ { serverPort :: Int,
+ contentRepositoryPath :: FilePath
+ }
+run :: Config -> IO ()
+run (Config {serverPort, contentRepositoryPath}) = do
uuidSeed <- lookupEnv "UUID_SEED"
maybe (pure ()) (setStdGen . mkStdGen) $ readMay =<< uuidSeed
- A.execParser (A.info (args <**> A.helper) A.idm) >>= \case
- Args {cmd = Serve {contentRepositoryPath, serverPort}} -> do
- contentRepositoryPath' <- makeAbsolute contentRepositoryPath
- contentRepositoryPathExists <- doesDirectoryExist (contentRepositoryPath' </> ".git")
- unless contentRepositoryPathExists $ do
- logStderr $ "Content repository '" ++ contentRepositoryPath ++ "' is not a git repository."
- exitFailure
- setCurrentDirectory contentRepositoryPath'
- let root = "."
- ref = "refs/heads/master"
- repoT <- newEmptyTMVarIO
- stopM <- newEmptyMVar
- flip forkFinally (putMVar stopM) do watch repoT root ref
- mapM
- ( \hostPref -> flip forkFinally (putMVar stopM) do
- W.runSettings
- ( W.defaultSettings
- & W.setPort serverPort
- & W.setHost hostPref
- )
- . restApi root ref repoT
- . queryApi root ref repoT
- $ (\_ resp -> resp (W.responseLBS W.status404 [] "Not found"))
- )
- ["!4", "::1"] -- XXX note !6 does not work..
- logStderr ("Serving " ++ contentRepositoryPath' ++ " on port " ++ show serverPort ++ ".")
- either throwIO pure =<< takeMVar stopM
+ contentRepositoryPath' <- makeAbsolute contentRepositoryPath
+ contentRepositoryPathExists <- doesDirectoryExist (contentRepositoryPath' </> ".git")
+ unless contentRepositoryPathExists $ do
+ logStderr $ "Content repository '" ++ contentRepositoryPath ++ "' is not a git repository."
+ exitFailure
+ setCurrentDirectory contentRepositoryPath'
+ let root = "."
+ ref = "refs/heads/master"
+ repoT <- newEmptyTMVarIO
+ stopM <- newEmptyMVar
+ flip forkFinally (putMVar stopM) do watch repoT root ref
+ mapM
+ ( \hostPref -> flip forkFinally (putMVar stopM) do
+ W.runSettings
+ ( W.defaultSettings
+ & W.setPort serverPort
+ & W.setHost hostPref
+ )
+ . restApi root ref repoT
+ . queryApi root ref repoT
+ $ (\_ resp -> resp (W.responseLBS W.status404 [] "Not found"))
+ )
+ ["!4", "::1"] -- XXX note !6 does not work..
+ logStderr ("Serving " ++ contentRepositoryPath' ++ " on port " ++ show serverPort ++ ".")
+ either throwIO pure =<< takeMVar stopM
data InvalidSchemaVersion = InvalidSchemaVersion String
deriving (Show)