path: root/autotypes/src
diff options
authorLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2024-05-28 22:04:34 +0200
committerLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2024-05-28 22:04:34 +0200
commitec0ea18486ed2569808f2e511ecac52f812300b0 (patch)
treea03ef5a9272b8c9533c83f4e3a29a508e24cfeb1 /autotypes/src
Diffstat (limited to 'autotypes/src')
2 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autotypes/src/AutoTypes.hs b/autotypes/src/AutoTypes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5a43d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotypes/src/AutoTypes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+module AutoTypes
+ ( autoTypes,
+ autoTypes',
+ )
+import Debug.Trace
+import qualified AutoTypes.Unify as U
+import Data.Aeson (Value, decodeFileStrict', encode)
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
+import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
+autoTypes :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO U.T
+autoTypes fp fps = autoTypes' <$> go fp <*> mapM go (fp : fps)
+ where go = fmap fromJust . decodeFileStrict'
+autoTypes' :: Value -> [Value] -> U.T
+autoTypes' t' ts' =
+ let types = map U.fromJson (Debug.Trace.traceShowId (t' : ts'))
+ in head
+ ( foldr1
+ (\ls rs -> (concat [U.unify1 l r | l <- ls, r <- rs]))
+ (map (: []) types)
+ )
diff --git a/autotypes/src/AutoTypes/Unify.hs b/autotypes/src/AutoTypes/Unify.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1742c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotypes/src/AutoTypes/Unify.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+module AutoTypes.Unify
+ ( T (..),
+ toString,
+ fromJson,
+ unify1,
+ )
+import Control.Arrow
+import Control.Exception (Exception, throw)
+import qualified Data.Aeson as A
+import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as K
+import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KM
+import Data.Aeson.QQ
+import Data.List (intercalate, nub)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Map.Merge.Lazy as M
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Debug.Trace
+import Prelude hiding (null)
+data T
+ = List (Maybe T)
+ | Object (Map String T)
+ | Option (Maybe T)
+ | Scalar String
+ | Union [T]
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance A.ToJSON T where
+ toJSON (List t) = A.toJSON t
+ toJSON (Object ts) = A.toJSON ts
+ toJSON (Option t) = A.toJSON t
+ toJSON (Scalar s) = A.toJSON s
+ toJSON (Union ts) = A.toJSON ts
+toString :: T -> String
+toString = intercalate "\n" . map (\(n, s) -> indent n s) . toString_ 0
+toString_ :: Int -> T -> [(Int, String)]
+toString_ n (Object kvs) =
+ concat
+ [ [(n, "{")],
+ concat . M.elems $
+ M.mapWithKey (\s t -> (n + 1, s) : toString_ (n + 2) t) kvs,
+ [(n, "}")]
+ ]
+toString_ n (Scalar s) = [(n, s)]
+toString_ n (Union ts) = concatMap (toString_ n) ts
+toString_ n (Option Nothing) = [(n, "null")]
+toString_ n (Option (Just t)) = map (second (++ "?")) (toString_ n t)
+indent n = (++) (replicate (4 * n) ' ')
+union :: [T] -> T
+union ts =
+ case ts of
+ [t] -> t
+ ts -> Union ts
+unify1 :: T -> T -> [T]
+unify1 (Scalar n) (Scalar m)
+ | n == m = [Scalar n]
+ | otherwise = [union [Scalar n, Scalar m]]
+unify1 l@(Object ls) r@(Object rs) =
+ let os =
+ ( map Object . traverse id $
+ let f _ (l@(Option _)) = [l]
+ f _ l = [Option (Just l)]
+ in M.merge
+ (M.mapMissing f)
+ (M.mapMissing f)
+ (M.zipWithMatched (\_ l r -> unify1 l r))
+ ls
+ rs
+ )
+ in os
+ ++ ( if l `subst` r || r `subst` l
+ then []
+ else [union [l, r]]
+ )
+unify1 (Option Nothing) (Option Nothing) = [Option Nothing]
+unify1 (Option (Just l)) (Option Nothing) = [Option (Just l)]
+unify1 (Option Nothing) (Option (Just r)) = [Option (Just r)]
+unify1 (Option (Just l)) (Option (Just r)) = map (Option . Just) (unify1 l r)
+unify1 (Option Nothing) r = [Option (Just r)]
+unify1 (List Nothing) (List Nothing) = [List Nothing]
+unify1 (List Nothing) (List (Just t)) = [List (Just t)]
+unify1 (List (Just t)) (List Nothing) = [List (Just t)]
+unify1 (List (Just l)) (List (Just r)) =
+ if l == r || r `subst` l
+ then [List (Just l)]
+ else
+ if l `subst` r
+ then [List (Just r)]
+ else [List (Just (union [l, r]))]
+unify1 l (Option Nothing) = [Option (Just l)]
+unify1 l (Option (Just r)) = map (Option . Just) (unify1 l r)
+unify1 (Option (Just l)) r = map (Option . Just) (unify1 l r)
+unify1 (Union ls) (Union rs) = [union (ls ++ rs)]
+unify1 (Union ls) r = [union (ls ++ [r])]
+unify1 l (Union rs) = [union ([l] ++ rs)]
+unify1 l r = [union [l, r]]
+subst :: T -> T -> Bool
+subst (Object l) (Object r) =
+ and
+ ( map
+ ( \(k, t) -> case (t, M.lookup k r) of
+ (t, Just t') -> t `subst` t'
+ _ -> False
+ )
+ (M.toList l)
+ )
+subst (Option Nothing) (Option _) = True
+subst l (Option Nothing) = True
+subst (Option (Just l)) (Option (Just r)) = l `subst` r
+subst l (Option (Just r)) = l `subst` r
+subst l r = l == r
+lims :: [T] -> [T]
+lims ts = nub [t | t <- ts, all (\t' -> not (t `subst` t') || t' == t) ts]
+unify l r =
+ let s =
+ unlines
+ ( [ toString l ++ "," ++ toString r,
+ "---"
+ ]
+ ++ map toString t
+ )
+ t = unify1 l r
+ in Debug.Trace.trace s t
+unify :: T -> T -> Either (T, T) T
+unify (Scalar n) (Scalar m)
+ | n == m = Right (Scalar n)
+ | otherwise = Left (Scalar n, Scalar m)
+unify (Object ls) (Object rs) =
+ let f _ (l@(Option _)) = Right l
+ f _ l = Right (Option (Just l))
+ in case M.merge
+ (M.mapMissing f)
+ (M.mapMissing f)
+ (M.zipWithMatched (\_ l r -> unify l r))
+ ls
+ rs
+ & M.partition isRight
+ & ( \(rs, ls) ->
+ (M.map (fromRight undefined) rs, M.elems (M.map (fromLeft undefined) ls))
+ ) of
+ (_, e : _) -> Left e
+ (lrs, []) -> Right (Object lrs)
+unify (Option Nothing) (Option Nothing) = Right (Option Nothing)
+unify (Option (Just l)) (Option Nothing) = Right (Option (Just l))
+unify (Option Nothing) (Option (Just r)) = Right (Option (Just r))
+unify (Option (Just l)) (Option (Just r)) = Option . Just <$> unify l r
+object :: Map String T -> T
+object = Object
+list :: Maybe T -> T
+list = List
+string, number, bool, null :: T
+string = Scalar "string"
+number = Scalar "number"
+bool = Scalar "bool"
+null = Option Nothing
+data InferException = InferException [T]
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Exception InferException
+fromJson :: A.Value -> T
+fromJson (A.Object kvs) =
+ object (M.mapKeys K.toString (M.map fromJson (KM.toMap kvs)))
+fromJson t@(A.Array vs) =
+ let ts = map fromJson (V.toList vs)
+ in case nub ts of
+ [] -> list Nothing
+ [t] -> list (Just t)
+ _ -> throw (InferException ts)
+fromJson (A.String _) = string
+fromJson (A.Number _) = number
+fromJson (A.Bool _) = bool
+fromJson A.Null = null
+object1 =
+ [aesonQQ|{
+ "firstName": "firstName",
+ "lastName": "lastName"
+ }|]
+object2 =
+ [aesonQQ|{
+ "firstName": "firstName",
+ "lastName": "lastName",
+ "birthDay": null
+ }|]
+object3 =
+ [aesonQQ|{
+ "firstName": "firstName",
+ "lastName": "lastName",
+ "birthDay": "1990-01-01"
+ }|]
+object4 =
+ [aesonQQ|{
+ "firstName": "firstName"
+ }|]
+object5 =
+ [aesonQQ|{
+ "lastName": 42,
+ "birthDay": null
+ }|]
+main =
+ -- fromJson object2 =:= fromJson object3
+ -- unify (fromJson object1) (fromJson object2)
+ putStrLn
+ ( intercalate
+ "\n\n"
+ ( map
+ toString
+ ( foldr1
+ (\ls rs -> (concat [unify1 l r | l <- ls, r <- rs]))
+ ( map
+ ((: []) . fromJson)
+ [ object1,
+ object2,
+ -- object3,
+ -- object4,
+ object5
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+-- >>= unify (fromJson object2)
+-- >>= unify (fromJson object4)