path: root/backend/app
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/app')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/backend/app/Main.hs b/backend/app/Main.hs
index 6773916..6742ad2 100644
--- a/backend/app/Main.hs
+++ b/backend/app/Main.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 qualified as LB
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 qualified as B
import Data.List
import Data.Map qualified as M
+import Data.Map.Merge.Strict qualified as M
+import Data.Maybe
import Data.String (IsString (fromString))
import Data.Tagged (Tagged (..), untag)
import Debug.Trace
@@ -25,11 +27,13 @@ import Network.HTTP.Types.Status qualified as W
import Network.Wai qualified as W
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp qualified as W
import Options.Applicative qualified as A
+import Safe
import Store qualified as Q
import System.Directory (setCurrentDirectory)
import System.FilePath
import System.INotify
import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Version
data Args = Args
{ cmd :: Cmd
@@ -57,7 +61,8 @@ data Repo = Repo
data Commit = Commit
{ id :: G.CommitOid GB.LgRepo,
- collections :: [Collection]
+ collections :: [Collection],
+ schemaVersion :: Version
deriving (Show)
@@ -110,22 +115,78 @@ initRepo root ref = do
Just cid <- fmap Tagged <$> G.resolveReference ref
c <- G.lookupCommit cid
cs <- mapM G.lookupCommit =<< G.listCommits Nothing cid
- fmap Repo . forM cs $ \c -> do
- let cid = G.commitOid c
- fs <-
- fmap (filter ((== ".json") . takeExtension)) . liftIO $
- Q.withStore root ref do
- Q.withCommit cid Q.listAllFiles
- let cls =
- M.toList . M.unionsWith (++) $
- map (\f -> M.singleton (takeDirectory f) [f]) fs
- colls <- forM cls $ \(makeRelative "/" -> path, (file : files)) -> do
- (value : values) <- do
- liftIO $ Q.withStore root ref do
- mapM (Q.withCommit cid . Q.readFile) (file : files)
- let schema = fromAutoTypes path $ U.autoTypes' value values
- pure $ Collection path files schema
- pure (Commit cid colls)
+ fmap (Repo . reverse) $
+ foldM
+ ( \cs c -> do
+ let cid = G.commitOid c
+ fs <-
+ fmap (filter ((== ".json") . takeExtension)) . liftIO $
+ Q.withStore root ref do
+ Q.withCommit cid (Q.listFiles "/")
+ let cls =
+ M.toList . M.unionsWith (++) $
+ map (\f -> M.singleton (takeDirectory f) [f]) fs
+ colls <- forM cls $ \(path, (file : files)) -> do
+ (value : values) <- do
+ liftIO $ Q.withStore root ref do
+ mapM (Q.withCommit cid . Q.readFile) (file : files)
+ let schema = fromAutoTypes path $ U.autoTypes' value values
+ pure $ Collection path files schema
+ let schemaVersion =
+ case lastMay cs of
+ Nothing -> Version 1 0 0
+ Just c' ->
+ let Version major' minor' patch' = c'.schemaVersion
+ schemas' =
+ M.fromList
+ ( (\coll -> (coll.path, coll.schema))
+ <$> c'.collections
+ )
+ schemas =
+ M.fromList
+ ( (\coll -> (coll.path, coll.schema))
+ <$> c.collections
+ )
+ in case compareSchemas schemas' schemas of
+ Just Major -> Version (major' + 1) 0 0
+ Just Minor -> Version major' (minor' + 1) 0
+ Just Patch -> Version major' minor' (patch' + 1)
+ Nothing -> Version major' minor' patch'
+ c = Commit cid colls schemaVersion
+ pure (c : cs)
+ )
+ []
+ cs
+compareSchemas ::
+ M.Map String Schema ->
+ M.Map String Schema ->
+ Maybe SchemaDifference
+compareSchemas schemas' schemas =
+ maximumMay
+ . catMaybes
+ . M.elems
+ . M.map (uncurry compareSchemas')
+ $ M.merge
+ (M.mapMissing (\_ schema' -> (Just schema', Nothing)))
+ (M.mapMissing (\_ schema -> (Nothing, Just schema)))
+ (M.zipWithMatched (\_ schema' schema -> (Just schema', Just schema)))
+ schemas'
+ schemas
+ where
+ compareSchemas' Nothing (Just _) = Just Patch
+ compareSchemas' (Just _) Nothing = Just Patch
+ compareSchemas' (Just schema') (Just schema) = compareSchema schema' schema
+-- TODO
+compareSchema :: Schema -> Schema -> Maybe SchemaDifference
+compareSchema schema' schema = Nothing
+data SchemaDifference
+ = Major
+ | Minor
+ | Patch
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
main :: IO ()
main = do
@@ -146,21 +207,28 @@ main = do
q <-
fromString @Q.Query . LB.toString
<$> W.lazyRequestBody req
- r <- liftIO $ Q.withStore root ref (Q.query q)
+ r <- liftIO $ Q.withStore root ref do Q.query q
respond . W.responseLBS W.status200 [] $ J.encode r
- (Debug.Trace.traceShowId -> !_) ->
+ Right SchemaVersion -> do
+ repo <- atomically (readTMVar repoT)
+ respond $
+ W.responseLBS W.status200 [] $
+ J.encode (last repo.commits).schemaVersion
+ (traceShowId -> !_) ->
respond $ W.responseLBS W.status200 [] "not implemented"
data Route
= SchemaJson String
| Query
+ | SchemaVersion
deriving (Show)
routeP :: P.Parser Route
routeP =
( P.choice
[ SchemaJson <$> (P.string "/" *> P.manyTill P.anyChar (P.string ".schema.json")),
- pure Query <* (P.string "/")
+ pure SchemaVersion <* P.string "/schemaVersion",
+ pure Query <* P.string "/"
<* P.endOfInput