path: root/app
diff options
authorLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2023-12-08 03:04:43 +0100
committerLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2023-12-08 03:04:43 +0100
commit5842e730152a2ae11fc8772a505baa3ba81b1e9c (patch)
treeb1c51d7371a173e646d6ac1bb0f9a15e96e34c58 /app
parentc1ff403387064ff0027b9e762cc6f6a8fa20c8d9 (diff)
chore: drop `Git.withWorkingTree`
Diffstat (limited to 'app')
8 files changed, 154 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/app/Cache.hs b/app/Cache.hs
index 52d18ca..7af9ee7 100644
--- a/app/Cache.hs
+++ b/app/Cache.hs
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ where
import Data.Binary (Binary, decodeFileOrFail, encodeFile)
import Data.Text qualified as T
-import Debug
import Git qualified
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
@@ -19,13 +18,13 @@ cached key func = do
doesFileExist file >>= \case
True ->
decodeFileOrFail file >>= \case
- Left e -> debug "e" e `seq` generate file
+ Left _ -> generate file
Right blob -> pure blob
False -> generate file
generate file = do
blob <- func
- encodeFile (debug "cache miss" file) blob
+ encodeFile file blob
pure blob
cachedMaybe :: Binary a => Maybe T.Text -> IO a -> IO a
diff --git a/app/Exception.hs b/app/Exception.hs
index a809616..41097b3 100644
--- a/app/Exception.hs
+++ b/app/Exception.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Exception
UnknownFileExtension (..),
InvalidDiff (..),
InvalidIssue (..),
+ CannotReadFile (..),
@@ -60,3 +61,8 @@ data InvalidIssue = InvalidIssue (P.ParseErrorBundle [D.Node] Void)
deriving (Show)
instance Exception InvalidIssue
+data CannotReadFile = CannotReadFile
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Exception CannotReadFile
diff --git a/app/Git.hs b/app/Git.hs
index 0b8a561..a3c82fa 100644
--- a/app/Git.hs
+++ b/app/Git.hs
@@ -1,36 +1,111 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Git
( module Git.CommitHash,
- withWorkingTree,
+ getChangedFilesOf,
+ Commit (..),
+ Author (..),
+ getCommitOf,
+ readTextFileOf,
-import Control.Exception (finally, throw)
-import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as LB8
+import Control.Exception (throw, throwIO)
+import Data.Binary (Binary, Put, get, put)
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LB
+import Data.Fixed (Pico)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as N
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T
+import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as LT
+import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding qualified as LT
+import Data.Text.Lazy.IO qualified as LT
+import Data.Time.Calendar (Day (..), toModifiedJulianDay)
+import Data.Time.Clock (DiffTime, UTCTime (..), getCurrentTime, picosecondsToDiffTime)
import Exception qualified as E
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Git.CommitHash
-import Process (proc, sh, sh_)
-import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
-import System.FilePath (dropTrailingPathSeparator, takeDirectory)
--- | Runs an IO-action within a working tree.
-withWorkingTree :: FilePath -> T.Text -> IO a -> IO a
-withWorkingTree path hash action = do
- createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory (dropTrailingPathSeparator path))
- sh_ $ proc "git worktree add --quiet --detach % %" path hash
- action `finally` do
- sh_ $ proc "git worktree remove --force %" path
+import Process (proc, sh)
+import Prelude hiding (lines)
getCommitHashes :: IO (NonEmpty T.Text)
-getCommitHashes = fromMaybe (throw E.NoCommits) . N.nonEmpty . reverse . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB8.toStrict <$> sh "git log --format=%H"
+getCommitHashes = fromMaybe (throw E.NoCommits) . N.nonEmpty . reverse . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict <$> sh "git log --format=%H"
getRootDir :: IO FilePath
-getRootDir = T.unpack . stripTrailingNL . T.decodeUtf8 . LB8.toStrict <$> sh (proc "git rev-parse --show-toplevel")
+getRootDir = T.unpack . stripTrailingNL . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict <$> sh (proc "git rev-parse --show-toplevel")
stripTrailingNL s = fromMaybe s $ T.stripSuffix "\n" s
+getChangedFilesOf :: CommitHash -> IO [FilePath]
+getChangedFilesOf WorkingTree = do
+ map T.unpack . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict
+ <$> sh "git ls-files --modified"
+getChangedFilesOf (Commit hash) = do
+ map T.unpack . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict
+ <$> sh (proc "git show -p --name-only --format= %" hash)
+data Commit = Commit'
+ { commitHash :: CommitHash,
+ date :: UTCTime,
+ author :: Author
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq)
+data Author = Author
+ { name :: T.Text,
+ email :: T.Text
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq)
+-- XXX These are taken from `Data.Binary.Orphans` [1]. I cannot get importing
+-- the instance from the package to work.. so we use `-fno-warn-orphans` here.
+-- [1] https://hackage.haskell.org/package/binary-orphans-
+instance Binary UTCTime where
+ get = UTCTime <$> get <*> get
+ put (UTCTime d dt) = put d >> put dt
+instance Binary Day where
+ get = fmap ModifiedJulianDay get
+ put = put . toModifiedJulianDay
+instance Binary DiffTime where
+ get = fmap picosecondsToDiffTime get
+ put = (put :: Pico -> Put) . realToFrac
+getCommitOf :: CommitHash -> IO Commit
+getCommitOf commitHash@WorkingTree = do
+ date <- getCurrentTime
+ authorName <- T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict <$> sh "git config user.name"
+ authorEmail <- T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict <$> sh "git config user.email"
+ pure
+ Commit'
+ { author = Author authorName authorEmail,
+ ..
+ }
+getCommitOf commitHash@(Commit hash) = do
+ ( T.splitOn "\NUL" . head . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict
+ <$> sh
+ ( proc
+ "git show --quiet --format=%%ai%%x00%%ae%%x00%%an %"
+ hash
+ )
+ )
+ >>= \case
+ rawDate : authorEmail : authorName : _ ->
+ let date = read (T.unpack rawDate)
+ in pure
+ Commit'
+ { author = Author authorName authorEmail,
+ ..
+ }
+ _ -> throwIO E.NoCommits
+readTextFileOf :: CommitHash -> FilePath -> IO LT.Text
+readTextFileOf WorkingTree filePath = LT.readFile filePath
+readTextFileOf (Commit hash) filePath =
+ LT.decodeUtf8 <$> sh (proc "git show %:%" hash filePath)
diff --git a/app/History.hs b/app/History.hs
index 70fc123..5b2dab3 100644
--- a/app/History.hs
+++ b/app/History.hs
@@ -26,14 +26,12 @@ import Git.CommitHash (CommitHash (..))
import Git.CommitHash qualified as C
import Issue qualified as I
import Issue.Parser qualified as I
-import Issue.Provenance qualified as I
import Issue.Tag qualified as I
import Issue.Text qualified as I
import IssueEvent (IssueEvent (..))
import Patch qualified as A
import Process (proc, sh)
import Render qualified as P
-import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
import System.Process.Typed (setWorkingDir)
@@ -97,35 +95,31 @@ data Scramble = Scramble
deriving (Show, Binary, Generic)
getScrambleOf :: CommitHash -> IO Scramble
-getScrambleOf commitHash@WorkingTree = do
- (issues, filesChanged) <- getIssuesAndFilesWorkingTreeChanged []
- pure $ Scramble {..}
-getScrambleOf commitHash@(Commit hash) = do
- (issues, filesChanged) <- getIssuesAndFilesCommitChanged hash
+getScrambleOf commitHash = do
+ (issues, filesChanged) <- getIssuesAndFilesChanged commitHash
pure $ Scramble {..}
--- | Given the hash of a commit, get all issues in the files which have
--- been changed by this commit, as well as all changed files.
-getIssuesAndFilesCommitChanged :: T.Text -> IO ([I.Issue], [FilePath])
-getIssuesAndFilesCommitChanged hash = do
- withSystemTempDirectory "history" $ \tmp -> do
- let cwd = tmp </> T.unpack hash
- Git.withWorkingTree cwd hash do
- files <- gitShowChanged cwd
- issues <- concat <$> catch (mapM (getIssues cwd) files) dieOfInvalidTreeGrepperResult
- pure (issues, files)
+getIssuesAndFilesChanged :: CommitHash -> IO ([I.Issue], [FilePath])
+getIssuesAndFilesChanged commitHash = do
+ files <- Git.getChangedFilesOf commitHash
+ issues <-
+ concat
+ <$> catch
+ (mapM (getIssues commitHash) files)
+ (\(e :: E.InvalidTreeGrepperResult) -> die (show e))
+ pure (issues, files)
-- | Get all issues in the given directory and file.
-getIssues :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [I.Issue]
-getIssues cwd filename =
+getIssues :: CommitHash -> FilePath -> IO [I.Issue]
+getIssues commitHash filename =
handle (\(_ :: E.UnknownFileExtension) -> pure []) $
- fmap catMaybes . mapM (fromComment cwd)
- =<< G.getComments cwd filename
+ fmap catMaybes . mapM (fromComment commitHash)
+ =<< G.getComments commitHash filename
-- | Note that `provenance` is trivial and needs to be fixed up later.
-fromComment :: FilePath -> G.Comment -> IO (Maybe I.Issue)
-fromComment cwd comment = do
- commit <- I.commitFromHEAD cwd
+fromComment :: CommitHash -> G.Comment -> IO (Maybe I.Issue)
+fromComment commitHash comment = do
+ commit <- Git.getCommitOf commitHash
let provenance = I.Provenance commit commit
pure $
@@ -151,33 +145,6 @@ fromComment cwd comment = do
(commentStyle, rawText) = G.uncomment comment.file_type comment.text
-dieOfInvalidTreeGrepperResult :: E.InvalidTreeGrepperResult -> IO a
-dieOfInvalidTreeGrepperResult (E.InvalidTreeGrepperResult e) =
- die e
--- | Gets issues in all files which have been changed in your current
--- [working
--- - tree](https://git-scm.com/docs/gitglossary#Documentation/gitglossary.txt-aiddefworkingtreeaworkingtree)
-getIssuesAndFilesWorkingTreeChanged :: [FilePath] -> IO ([I.Issue], [FilePath])
-getIssuesAndFilesWorkingTreeChanged paths = do
- cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
- files <- gitLsFilesModifiedIn cwd paths
- issues <- concat <$> catch (mapM (getIssues cwd) files) dieOfInvalidTreeGrepperResult
- pure (issues, files)
-gitShowChanged :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
-gitShowChanged cwd =
- map T.unpack . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict
- <$> sh ("git show -p --name-only --format=''" & setWorkingDir cwd)
-gitLsFilesModifiedIn :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
-gitLsFilesModifiedIn cwd paths =
- map T.unpack . T.lines . T.decodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict
- <$> sh
- ( proc "git ls-files --modified %" ("--" : paths)
- & setWorkingDir cwd
- )
propagate :: CommitHash -> History -> Scramble -> IO History
propagate commitHash oldHistory scramble = do
let issues = propagateIssues oldHistory.issues scramble
diff --git a/app/Issue.hs b/app/Issue.hs
index 2b9e568..83e7141 100644
--- a/app/Issue.hs
+++ b/app/Issue.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (utctDay))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Records (HasField (..))
-import Issue.Provenance (Author (..), Commit (..), Provenance (..))
+import Git (Author (..), Commit (..))
+import Issue.Provenance (Provenance (..))
import Issue.Tag (Tag (..))
import Render qualified as P
import TreeGrepper.Comment qualified as G
diff --git a/app/Issue/Provenance.hs b/app/Issue/Provenance.hs
index 18255da..321f6a2 100644
--- a/app/Issue/Provenance.hs
+++ b/app/Issue/Provenance.hs
@@ -1,80 +1,14 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Issue.Provenance
( Provenance (..),
- Commit (..),
- Author (..),
- commitFromHEAD,
-import Control.Exception (throwIO)
-import Data.Binary (Binary, Put, get, put)
-import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (toStrict)
-import Data.Fixed (Pico)
-import Data.Function ((&))
-import Data.Text (lines, splitOn, unpack)
-import Data.Text qualified as T
-import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
-import Data.Time.Calendar (Day (..), toModifiedJulianDay)
-import Data.Time.Clock (DiffTime, UTCTime (..), picosecondsToDiffTime)
-import Exception qualified as E
+import Data.Binary (Binary)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-import Git.CommitHash (CommitHash)
-import Git.CommitHash qualified as C
-import Process (sh)
-import System.Process.Typed (setWorkingDir)
-import Prelude hiding (lines)
+import Git qualified
data Provenance = Provenance
- { first :: Commit,
- last :: Commit
- }
- deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq)
-data Commit = Commit
- { hash :: CommitHash,
- date :: UTCTime,
- author :: Author
- }
- deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq)
-data Author = Author
- { name :: T.Text,
- email :: T.Text
+ { first :: Git.Commit,
+ last :: Git.Commit
- deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq)
--- XXX These are taken from `Data.Binary.Orphans` [1]. I cannot get importing
--- the instance from the package to work.. so we use `-fno-warn-orphans` here.
--- [1] https://hackage.haskell.org/package/binary-orphans-
-instance Binary UTCTime where
- get = UTCTime <$> get <*> get
- put (UTCTime d dt) = put d >> put dt
-instance Binary Day where
- get = fmap ModifiedJulianDay get
- put = put . toModifiedJulianDay
-instance Binary DiffTime where
- get = fmap picosecondsToDiffTime get
- put = (put :: Pico -> Put) . realToFrac
-commitFromHEAD :: FilePath -> IO Commit
-commitFromHEAD cwd = do
- rawProvenance <-
- fmap (splitOn "\NUL" . head . lines . decodeUtf8 . toStrict) $
- sh $
- "git show --quiet --format='%H%x00%ai%x00%ae%x00%an'"
- & setWorkingDir cwd
- case rawProvenance of
- hash : rawDate : authorEmail : authorName : _ ->
- let date = read (unpack rawDate)
- in pure
- Commit
- { hash = C.Commit hash,
- date = date,
- author = Author authorName authorEmail
- }
- _ -> throwIO E.NoCommits
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Binary)
diff --git a/app/Issue/Render.hs b/app/Issue/Render.hs
index ed40ed7..39249ae 100644
--- a/app/Issue/Render.hs
+++ b/app/Issue/Render.hs
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as N
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (utctDay))
+import Git (Author (..), Commit (..))
import Issue (Issue (..))
-import Issue.Provenance (Author (..), Commit (..), Provenance (..))
+import Issue.Provenance (Provenance (..))
import Render ((<<<))
import Render qualified as P
diff --git a/app/TreeGrepper/Comment.hs b/app/TreeGrepper/Comment.hs
index 0ca9543..7c2ca90 100644
--- a/app/TreeGrepper/Comment.hs
+++ b/app/TreeGrepper/Comment.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module TreeGrepper.Comment
-import Control.Exception (throw)
+import Control.Exception (catch, throw)
import Data.Aeson qualified as A
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as B
@@ -15,11 +15,15 @@ import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text qualified as T
+import Data.Text.Lazy.IO qualified as LT
import Exception qualified as E
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import Git qualified
import Process (proc, sh)
-import System.FilePath (takeExtension)
-import System.Process.Typed (setWorkingDir)
+import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
+import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, takeExtension, takeFileName, (</>))
+import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
+import System.Process.Typed qualified as P
import TreeGrepper.FileType (FileType (..))
import TreeGrepper.FileType qualified as G
import TreeGrepper.Match (Match (..), Position (..))
@@ -90,20 +94,28 @@ stripBlockComment blockStart blockEnd text =
fromMatch :: Result -> Match -> Comment
fromMatch Result {..} Match {..} = Comment {..}
-getComments :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [Comment]
-getComments cwd fn = do
+getComments :: Git.CommitHash -> FilePath -> IO [Comment]
+getComments commitHash fn = do
let ext = takeExtension fn
- concatMap (\result -> map (fromMatch result) result.matches)
- . map fixTreeGrepper
- . decode
- <$> sh
- ( proc
- "tree-grepper --query % % --format json %"
- (treeGrepperLanguage ext)
- (treeGrepperQuery ext)
- fn
- & setWorkingDir cwd
- )
+ s <-
+ catch
+ (Git.readTextFileOf commitHash fn)
+ (\(_ :: E.ProcessException) -> pure "")
+ withSystemTempDirectory (takeFileName fn) $ \cwd -> do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (cwd </> takeDirectory fn)
+ LT.writeFile (cwd </> fn) s
+ concatMap (\result -> map (fromMatch result) result.matches)
+ . map fixTreeGrepper
+ . decode
+ <$> sh
+ ( ( proc
+ "tree-grepper % --query % % --format json"
+ fn
+ (treeGrepperLanguage ext)
+ (treeGrepperQuery ext)
+ )
+ & P.setWorkingDir cwd
+ )
decode :: B.ByteString -> [Result]
decode = either (throw . E.InvalidTreeGrepperResult) id . A.eitherDecode