diff options
authorLibravatar Alexander Foremny <>2023-12-28 03:23:42 +0100
committerLibravatar Alexander Foremny <>2023-12-28 03:23:42 +0100
commit82d64d4053f47d6263b0faef708dc0c7a905216b (patch)
parent2d3effac83121e3f30806eaa99f9659a2d1c71a7 (diff)
chore: add filter, sort to library tags
3 files changed, 282 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/app/Main.hs b/app/Main.hs
index 0ca099b..41b81d0 100644
--- a/app/Main.hs
+++ b/app/Main.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
module Main where
-import Control.Arrow (first, second, (***))
+import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Local (parallel, withPool)
import Control.Exception (Exception, throw, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (forM, unless, when)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ data Cmd
{ indexNames :: [FilePath]
| List
- { filters :: [Filter],
+ { filters :: [G.Filter],
todo :: Bool,
view :: Bool,
redo :: Bool,
@@ -196,63 +196,33 @@ autoArg =
<> "Automatically tag document(s)"
-filtersArg :: O.Parser [Filter]
+filtersArg :: O.Parser [G.Filter]
filtersArg =
O.many $
- (O.maybeReader parse)
+ (O.eitherReader (A.parseOnly G.filterParser . T.pack))
( O.long "filter"
<> O.short 'f'
<> "Filter documents by tag"
- where
- parse ('@' : tagKey) = Just (Filter Include (FilterByTag (T.pack tagKey)))
- parse ('!' : '@' : tagKey) = Just (Filter Exclude (FilterByTag (T.pack tagKey)))
- parse _ = Nothing
tagsArg :: O.Parser [G.Tag]
tagsArg =
O.many $
- (O.maybeReader parse)
+ (O.eitherReader (A.parseOnly G.tagParser . T.pack))
( O.long "tag"
<> "Tag to add"
- where
- parse ('@' : tag) =
- let (tagKey, tagValue) =
- T.strip *** T.strip $
- T.break (== ' ') (T.pack tag)
- in Just $
- G.Tag
- tagKey
- ( if T.null tagValue
- then Nothing
- else (Just tagValue)
- )
- parse _ = Nothing
untagsArg :: O.Parser [G.Tag]
untagsArg =
O.many $
- (O.maybeReader parse)
+ (O.eitherReader (A.parseOnly G.tagParser . T.pack))
( O.long "untag"
<> "Tag to remove"
- where
- parse ('@' : tag) =
- let (tagKey, tagValue) =
- T.strip *** T.strip $
- T.break (== ' ') (T.pack tag)
- in Just $
- G.Tag
- tagKey
- ( if T.null tagValue
- then Nothing
- else (Just tagValue)
- )
- parse _ = Nothing
languageArg :: O.Parser (Maybe String)
languageArg =
@@ -300,13 +270,6 @@ viewArg =
<> "Run command `view` on listed document(s)"
-data Filter = Filter Mode SimpleFilter
-data Mode = Include | Exclude
-data SimpleFilter
- = FilterByTag T.Text
main :: IO ()
main = do
settings <- S.readSettings
@@ -351,32 +314,32 @@ main = do
printf "%s\n" (takeBaseName doc.iFileName)
printTags doc
- . applyFilters filters
+ . filter (G.applyFilters filters . (.index.tags))
=<< getDocuments
Args {cmd = List {filters, redo, edit = True}} -> do
doRedoIf filters redo
- . applyFilters filters
+ . filter (G.applyFilters filters . (.index.tags))
=<< getDocuments
Args {cmd = List {filters, redo, todo = True}} -> do
doRedoIf filters redo
allDocs <- getDocuments
_ <-
processDocumentsInteractively settings allDocs
- . applyFilters filters
+ . filter (G.applyFilters filters . (.index.tags))
$ allDocs
pure ()
Args {cmd = Todo} -> do
allDocs <- getDocuments
_ <-
processDocumentsInteractively settings allDocs
- . applyFilters [Filter Include (FilterByTag "todo")]
+ . filter (G.applyFilters [G.filter G.include "todo" Nothing] . (.index.tags))
$ allDocs
pure ()
Args {cmd = List {filters, redo, view = True}} -> do
doRedoIf filters redo
- . applyFilters filters
+ . filter (G.applyFilters filters . (.index.tags))
=<< getDocuments
Args {cmd = View {indexNames}} -> do
@@ -418,11 +381,11 @@ printTags doc =
(doc.index.tags `S.union` doc.index.internalTags)
-doRedoIf :: [Filter] -> Bool -> IO ()
+doRedoIf :: [G.Filter] -> Bool -> IO ()
doRedoIf filters redo =
when redo do
parMapM_ doRedo
- . applyFilters filters
+ . filter (G.applyFilters filters . (.index.tags))
=<< getDocuments
doRedo doc = do
@@ -456,8 +419,8 @@ tagValues :: [Document] -> M.Map T.Text (S.Set T.Text)
tagValues docs =
M.unionsWith S.union $
- ( \(G.Tag tagKey tagValue) ->
- M.singleton tagKey . S.singleton <$> tagValue
+ ( \tag ->
+ M.singleton (G.tagKey tag) . S.singleton <$> (G.tagValue tag)
(S.toList (S.unions (map (.index.tags) docs)))
@@ -471,20 +434,6 @@ readDocument iFileName =
Document iFileName
<$> decodeFile @Index ("index" </> iFileName)
-applyFilters :: [Filter] -> [Document] -> [Document]
-applyFilters filters = filter (pred filters) `at` (.index.internalTags)
- where
- pred1 (Filter Include filter') = pred1' filter'
- pred1 (Filter Exclude filter') = not . pred1' filter'
- pred1' (FilterByTag tagKey) = G.hasTag (G.Tag tagKey Nothing)
- pred filters = \index -> all ($ index) (map pred1 filters)
- at :: ([a] -> [a]) -> (b -> a) -> [b] -> [b]
- at _ _ [] = []
- at g f (x : xs)
- | null (g [f x]) = at g f xs
- | otherwise = x : at g f xs
processDocumentsInteractively :: S.Settings -> [Document] -> [Document] -> IO [Document]
processDocumentsInteractively settings allDocs docs =
mapM (uncurry processDocumentInteractively) (zip [1 :: Int ..] docs)
@@ -594,7 +543,7 @@ suggestTags settings allDocs doc = do
nub . catMaybes . map R.matchedText . R.allMatches $
R.*=~ pattern
- pure (G.Tag tagName (Just ""), map (G.Tag tagName . Just) tagValues)
+ pure (G.tag tagName (Just ""), map (G.tag tagName . Just) tagValues)
S.SuggestTagByTags tagName -> do
let tagValues =
-- TODO Cache `probabilityMap`
@@ -617,7 +566,7 @@ suggestTags settings allDocs doc = do
& M.toList
& sortBy (comparing (negate . snd))
& map fst
- pure (G.Tag tagName (Just ""), map (G.Tag tagName) tagValues)
+ pure (G.tag tagName (Just ""), map (G.tag tagName) tagValues)
autoApplySuggestedTags :: [(G.Tag, [G.Tag])] -> [G.Tag]
autoApplySuggestedTags =
@@ -654,7 +603,7 @@ applyTags tags' doc = do
addTags tags (removeTags untags doc)
(untags, tags) =
- first (map (\tagKey -> G.Tag tagKey Nothing)) $
+ first (map (\tagKey -> G.tag tagKey Nothing)) $
partitionEithers tags'
addTags :: [G.Tag] -> Document -> Document
@@ -703,21 +652,27 @@ tagDocumentInteractively settings allDocs doc = do
pure doc'
tagDocumentInteractively' :: G.Tag -> [G.Tag] -> IO (Either T.Text G.Tag)
- tagDocumentInteractively' tag@(G.Tag tagKey Nothing) _ = do
- choice <-
- P.prompt $
- P.choice (printf "tag with %s?" tagKey) (("n" :: String) N.:| ["y"])
- pure $ if (choice == "y") then Right tag else Left tagKey
- tagDocumentInteractively' (G.Tag tagKey (Just _)) tags = do
- tagValue <-
- fmap T.pack . P.prompt $
- P.string
- (printf "tag with %s?" tagKey)
- (mapMaybe (fmap T.unpack . G.tagValue) tags ++ ["-"])
- pure $
- if tagValue == "-"
- then Left tagKey
- else Right (G.Tag tagKey (Just tagValue))
+ tagDocumentInteractively' tag tags
+ | Nothing <- G.tagValue tag = do
+ choice <-
+ P.prompt $
+ P.choice
+ (printf "tag with %s?" (G.tagKey tag))
+ (("n" :: String) N.:| ["y"])
+ pure $
+ if (choice == "y")
+ then Right tag
+ else Left (G.tagKey tag)
+ | Just _ <- G.tagValue tag = do
+ tagValue <-
+ fmap T.pack . P.prompt $
+ P.string
+ (printf "tag with %s?" (G.tagKey tag))
+ (mapMaybe (fmap T.unpack . G.tagValue) tags ++ ["-"])
+ pure $
+ if tagValue == "-"
+ then Left (G.tagKey tag)
+ else Right tag
ensureGit :: IO ()
ensureGit = do
@@ -849,10 +804,10 @@ internalTags :: Index -> S.Set G.Tag
internalTags index =
( concat
- [ [ G.Tag "addedAt" (Just (T.pack (iso8601Show index.addedAt))),
- G.Tag "language" (Just (T.pack index.language))
+ [ [ G.tag "addedAt" (Just (T.pack (iso8601Show index.addedAt))),
+ G.tag "language" (Just (T.pack index.language))
- if index.todo then [G.Tag "todo" Nothing] else []
+ if index.todo then [G.tag "todo" Nothing] else []
diff --git a/tags/src/Tag.hs b/tags/src/Tag.hs
index ab7e171..f7f3398 100644
--- a/tags/src/Tag.hs
+++ b/tags/src/Tag.hs
@@ -1,41 +1,256 @@
module Tag
- ( Tag (..),
+ ( -- * Tag data-type
+ Tag,
+ tag,
- hasTag,
+ -- ** Tag-related parsers
+ tagParser,
+ tagKeyParser,
+ tagValueParser,
+ -- * Tag operators
+ has,
+ member,
+ insert,
+ delete,
+ deleteAll,
+ replace,
+ -- * Filtering by tag
+ Filter,
+ Tag.filter,
+ Mode,
+ include,
+ exclude,
+ Test,
+ eq,
+ ge,
+ gt,
+ le,
+ lt,
+ match,
+ applyFilters,
+ -- ** Filter-related parsers
+ filterParser,
+ -- * Sorting by tag
+ Sort,
+ sort,
+ Order,
+ asc,
+ desc,
+ applySorts,
+ -- ** Sort-related parser
+ sortParser,
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text qualified as A
import Data.Binary (Binary)
-import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
+import Data.Function (on)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as N
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Set qualified as S
-import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Text qualified as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import Text.RE.TDFA.Text qualified as R
+import TypedValue (cast, castDef)
-data Tag = Tag Text (Maybe Text)
+data Tag = Tag T.Text (Maybe T.Text)
deriving (Show, Generic, Binary, Eq, Ord)
+tag :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text -> Tag
+tag = Tag
+tagParser :: A.Parser Tag
+tagParser =
+ Tag
+ <$> (tagKeyParser <* A.skipSpace)
+ <*> (A.try (Just <$> tagValueParser) <|> pure Nothing)
instance J.FromJSON Tag
instance J.ToJSON Tag
-tagKey :: Tag -> Text
+tagKey :: Tag -> T.Text
tagKey (Tag k _) = k
-tagValue :: Tag -> Maybe Text
+tagKeyParser :: A.Parser T.Text
+tagKeyParser =
+ A.string "@" *> A.takeWhile1 (/= ' ')
+tagValue :: Tag -> Maybe T.Text
tagValue (Tag _ v) = v
-hasTag :: Tag -> S.Set Tag -> Bool
-hasTag tag =
- (tagKey tag `S.member`) . tagKey
-tagValuesOf :: Text -> [Tag] -> [Text]
-tagValuesOf key =
- mapMaybe
- ( \tag ->
- if tagKey tag == key
- then tagValue tag
- else Nothing
- )
+tagValueParser :: A.Parser T.Text
+tagValueParser =
+ T.pack <$> A.many1 A.anyChar
+has :: T.Text -> S.Set Tag -> Bool
+has k =
+ (k `S.member`) . tagKey
+member :: Tag -> S.Set Tag -> Bool
+member =
+ S.member
+insert :: Tag -> S.Set Tag -> S.Set Tag
+insert = S.insert
+delete :: Tag -> S.Set Tag -> S.Set Tag
+delete = S.delete
+deleteAll :: T.Text -> S.Set Tag -> S.Set Tag
+deleteAll k = S.filter ((/= k) . tagKey)
+replace :: Tag -> S.Set Tag -> S.Set Tag
+replace t = insert t . deleteAll (tagKey t)
+tagValuesOf :: T.Text -> S.Set Tag -> S.Set T.Text
+tagValuesOf k =
+ S.fromList . mapMaybe tagValue . S.toList . S.filter ((== k) . tagKey)
+data Filter = Filter Mode T.Text (Maybe Test)
+filter :: Mode -> T.Text -> Maybe Test -> Filter
+filter = Filter
+filterParser :: A.Parser Filter
+filterParser =
+ Filter
+ <$> modeParser
+ <*> (tagKeyParser <* A.skipSpace)
+ <*> (A.try (Just <$> testParser) <|> pure Nothing)
+data Mode = Include | Exclude
+include, exclude :: Mode
+include = Include
+exclude = Exclude
+modeParser :: A.Parser Mode
+modeParser = (const Exclude <$> A.string "!") <|> (pure Include)
+data Test
+ = Eq T.Text
+ | Ge T.Text
+ | Gt T.Text
+ | Le T.Text
+ | Lt T.Text
+ | Match R.RE
+eq, ge, gt, le, lt :: T.Text -> Test
+eq = Eq
+ge = Ge
+gt = Gt
+le = Le
+lt = Lt
+match :: R.RE -> Test
+match = Match
+testParser :: A.Parser Test
+testParser =
+ A.choice
+ [ A.try (A.string "/" *> (Match <$> reParser) <* A.string "/"),
+ A.try (A.string ">=" *> (Ge <$> value)),
+ A.try (A.string "<=" *> (Le <$> value)),
+ A.try (A.string ">" *> (Gt <$> value)),
+ A.try (A.string "<" *> (Lt <$> value)),
+ (Eq <$> value)
+ ]
+ where
+ value = T.pack <$> A.many1 A.anyChar
+ reParser :: A.Parser R.RE
+ reParser =
+ R.compileRegex . T.unpack . T.concat
+ =<< A.many'
+ ( A.choice
+ [ A.string "\\/" *> A.string "/",
+ A.string "\\" *> A.string "\\",
+ T.pack . (: []) <$> A.notChar '/'
+ ]
+ )
+applyFilters :: [Filter] -> S.Set Tag -> Bool
+applyFilters fs ts =
+ all (flip applyFilter ts) fs
+applyFilter :: Filter -> S.Set Tag -> Bool
+applyFilter (Filter Exclude k v') ts =
+ not (applyFilter (Filter Include k v') ts)
+applyFilter (Filter Include k v') ts =
+ any ((&&) <$> matchKey <*> matchValue) ts
+ where
+ matchKey = (==) k . tagKey
+ matchValue t =
+ case (v', tagValue t) of
+ (Just (Eq v), Just w) -> castDef False (==) w v
+ (Just (Ge v), Just w) -> castDef False (>=) w v
+ (Just (Gt v), Just w) -> castDef False (>) w v
+ (Just (Le v), Just w) -> castDef False (<=) w v
+ (Just (Lt v), Just w) -> castDef False (<) w v
+ (Just (Match p), Just w) -> R.matched (w R.?=~ p)
+ (Just _, Nothing) -> False
+ (Nothing, _) -> True
+data Sort = Sort Order T.Text
+sort :: Order -> T.Text -> Sort
+sort = Sort
+sortParser :: A.Parser Sort
+sortParser =
+ Sort <$> orderParser <*> tagKeyParser
+data Order
+ = Asc
+ | Desc
+orderParser :: A.Parser Order
+orderParser =
+ (A.string "!" *> pure Desc)
+ <|> pure Asc
+asc, desc :: Order
+asc = Asc
+desc = Desc
+applySorts :: N.NonEmpty Sort -> S.Set Tag -> S.Set Tag -> Ordering
+applySorts = foldr1 compose . map toCompare . N.toList
+ where
+ compose ::
+ (a -> a -> Ordering) ->
+ (a -> a -> Ordering) ->
+ (a -> a -> Ordering)
+ compose f g x y =
+ case f x y of
+ EQ -> g x y
+ r -> r
+ toCompare :: Sort -> (S.Set Tag -> S.Set Tag -> Ordering)
+ toCompare (Sort Desc k) = flip $ toCompare (Sort Asc k)
+ toCompare (Sort Asc k) =
+ compareList
+ (incomparableFirst (cast compare))
+ `on` (S.toList . tagValuesOf k)
+ compareList :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> ([a] -> [a] -> Ordering)
+ compareList _ [] _ = LT
+ compareList _ _ [] = GT
+ compareList g (a : as) (b : bs)
+ | g a b == EQ = compareList g as bs
+ | otherwise = g a b
+ incomparableFirst ::
+ (a -> a -> Maybe Ordering) ->
+ (a -> a -> Ordering)
+ incomparableFirst cmp a b = fromMaybe LT (cmp a b)
diff --git a/tags/tags.cabal b/tags/tags.cabal
index c78b2c6..0149e74 100644
--- a/tags/tags.cabal
+++ b/tags/tags.cabal
@@ -11,26 +11,23 @@ maintainer:
category: Data
build-type: Simple
--- extra-source-files:
-common warnings
- ghc-options: -Wall
- import: warnings
+ ghc-options: -Wall
+ other-modules:
- -- other-modules:
- -- other-extensions:
+ attoparsec,
+ regex,
- hs-source-dirs: src
+ hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: GHC2021
@@ -38,3 +35,4 @@ library
+ OverloadedStrings