path: root/app
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app')
2 files changed, 173 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/app/Main.hs b/app/Main.hs
index cb6e563..d10e407 100644
--- a/app/Main.hs
+++ b/app/Main.hs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors #-}
@@ -19,7 +20,9 @@ import Data.Attoparsec.Text qualified as A
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LB
import Data.Default
import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA (sha256, showDigest)
+import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.List
+import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as N
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Set qualified as S
@@ -34,15 +37,16 @@ import GHC.Conc (getNumProcessors)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Records (HasField (..))
import Options.Applicative qualified as O
+import Prompt qualified as P
import System.Directory
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.FilePath
-import System.IO
import System.IO.LockFile (withLockFile)
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
import System.Process.Typed
import Tag
import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Text.RE.TDFA.Text qualified as R
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
data Args = Args
@@ -52,7 +56,9 @@ data Args = Args
data Cmd
= Consume
{ keep :: Bool,
- inputs :: [FilePath]
+ inputs :: [FilePath],
+ prompt :: Bool,
+ force :: Bool
| Edit
{ indexNames :: [FilePath]
@@ -93,6 +99,8 @@ consumeCmd =
<$> keepArg
<*> inputsArg
+ <*> promptArg
+ <*> forceArg
editCmd :: O.Parser Cmd
editCmd =
@@ -130,9 +138,26 @@ keepArg :: O.Parser Bool
keepArg =
( O.long "keep"
+ <> O.short 'k'
<> "Keep input document"
+promptArg :: O.Parser Bool
+promptArg =
+ O.switch
+ ( O.long "prompt"
+ <> O.short 'p'
+ <> "Prompt after consuming document(s)"
+ )
+forceArg :: O.Parser Bool
+forceArg =
+ O.switch
+ ( O.long "force"
+ <> O.short 'f'
+ <> "Force operation, overriding safety checks"
+ )
filtersArg :: O.Parser [Filter]
filtersArg =
O.many $
@@ -194,9 +219,11 @@ main = do
ensureDir "index"
O.execParser ( (args O.<**> O.helper) O.idm) >>= \case
- Args {cmd = Consume {keep, inputs}} ->
- mapM_ putStrLn
- =<< parMapM (consume1 keep) (map (cwd </>) inputs)
+ Args {cmd = Consume {keep, inputs, force}} -> do
+ indexNames <- parMapM (consume1 force keep) (map (cwd </>) inputs)
+ documents <- mapM (readDocument . (<.> "json")) indexNames
+ processDocuments documents
+ mapM_ putStrLn indexNames
Args {cmd = Edit {indexNames}} -> do
=<< mapM (readDocument . (<.> "json")) indexNames
@@ -291,35 +318,40 @@ applyFilters filters = filter (pred filters) `at` (.index.internalTags)
processDocuments :: [Document] -> IO ()
processDocuments docs =
- mapM_ (uncurry processDocuments') (zip [1 :: Int ..] docs)
+ mapM_ (uncurry processDocument) (zip [1 :: Int ..] docs)
numDocs = length docs
tagValues' = tagValues docs
- processDocuments' n (doc@Document {iFileName, index}) = do
+ processDocument n (doc@Document {iFileName, index}) = do
choice <-
- promptChoiceHelp
- [ ("f", "view full text"),
- ("p", "process document"),
- ("s", "skip document"),
- ("v", "view document")
- ]
- ( printf
- "%s\n%s\n\n(%d/%d) Process this document?"
- (takeBaseName iFileName)
- index.shortText
- n
- numDocs
+ P.prompt
+ ( P.choice
+ ( printf
+ "%s\n%s\n\n(%d/%d) Process this document?"
+ (takeBaseName iFileName)
+ index.shortText
+ n
+ numDocs
+ )
+ (("f" :: String) N.:| ["p", "s", "v"])
+ &
+ ( \a -> case a of
+ "f" -> "view full text"
+ "p" -> "process document"
+ "s" -> "skip document"
+ "v" -> "view document"
+ )
case choice of
"f" -> do
printf "%s\n" (takeBaseName doc.iFileName)
printf "%s\n" doc.index.originalText
- processDocuments' n doc
- "p" -> processDocument tagValues' doc
+ processDocument n doc
+ "p" -> tagDocument tagValues' doc
"s" -> pure ()
"v" -> do
viewDocuments [doc]
- processDocuments' n doc
+ processDocument n doc
viewDocuments :: [Document] -> IO ()
viewDocuments docs =
@@ -357,101 +389,47 @@ editDocuments docs =
-processDocument :: M.Map T.Text (S.Set T.Text) -> Document -> IO ()
-processDocument tagValues (Document {iFileName, index}) = do
- printf "%s\n" index.originalText
+tagDocument :: M.Map T.Text (S.Set T.Text) -> Document -> IO ()
+tagDocument tagValues (Document {iFileName, index}) = do
+ let createdAts =
+ nub . catMaybes . map R.matchedText . R.allMatches $
+ index.originalText
+ R.*=~ [|[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{4}|]
let suggestedTags =
- [ Tag "correspondent" (Just ""),
- Tag "invoice" Nothing,
- Tag "bill" Nothing
+ [ ( Tag "createdAt" (Just ""),
+ map (Tag "createdAt" . Just) createdAts
+ )
+ {-,
+ Tag "correspondent" (Just ""),
+ Tag "invoice" Nothing,
+ Tag "bill" Nothing-}
tags <-
S.fromList . catMaybes
- <$> mapM (processSuggestedTag tagValues) suggestedTags
+ <$> mapM (uncurry tagDocument') suggestedTags
let tags' = S.delete (Tag "todo" Nothing) (index.tags `S.union` tags)
index' = index {tags = tags'}
iFilePath = "index" </> iFileName
withGit do
J.encodeFile iFilePath index'
commitAll [iFilePath] (printf "process %s (interactive)" iFilePath)
-processSuggestedTag :: M.Map T.Text (S.Set T.Text) -> Tag -> IO (Maybe Tag)
-processSuggestedTag _ tag@(Tag tagKey Nothing) = do
- choice <- promptChoice (Just "n") ["n", "y"] (printf "tag with %s?" tagKey)
- pure $ if (choice == "y") then Just tag else Nothing
-processSuggestedTag tagValues (Tag tagKey (Just _)) = do
- tagValue <-
- promptString
- (maybe [] S.toList (M.lookup tagKey tagValues))
- (printf "tag with %s?" tagKey)
- pure $
- if not (T.null tagValue)
- then Just (Tag tagKey (Just tagValue))
- else Nothing
-promptChoice :: Maybe T.Text -> [T.Text] -> String -> IO T.Text
-promptChoice mDef as s = do
- a <-
- T.toLower
- <$> promptString
- []
- ( s
- ++ ( T.unpack
- ( " ["
- <> T.intercalate "" (map capitalizeDef as)
- <> "]"
- )
- )
- )
- case (a, mDef) of
- ("", Just def) -> pure def
- _ ->
- if not (T.toLower a `elem` map T.toLower as)
- then promptChoice mDef as s
- else pure a
- capitalizeDef a = (if Just a == mDef then T.toUpper else T.toLower) a
-promptChoiceHelp :: [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> String -> IO T.Text
-promptChoiceHelp as' s = do
- a <-
- T.toLower
- <$> promptString
- []
- ( s
- ++ ( T.unpack
- (" [" <> T.intercalate "" (as ++ ["?"]) <> "]")
- )
- )
- if a == "?"
- then do
- printHelp
- promptChoiceHelp as' s
- else
- if not (T.toLower a `elem` map T.toLower as)
- then promptChoiceHelp as' s
- else pure a
- where
- as = map fst as'
- printHelp = mapM_ (uncurry (printf "%s - %s\n")) as'
-promptString :: [T.Text] -> String -> IO T.Text
-promptString as s = do
- if null as
- then do
- putStr (s <> "> ")
- else do
- putStrLn s
- mapM_ (\(n, a) -> printf "[%d] %s\n" n a) (zip [1 :: Int ..] as)
- putStr "> "
- hFlush stdout
- a <- T.strip <$> T.getLine
- case (as, readMaybe (T.unpack a)) of
- ((_ : _), Just n) ->
- case drop (n - 1) as of
- [] -> promptString as s
- (a' : _) -> pure a'
- _ -> pure a
+ tagDocument' :: Tag -> [Tag] -> IO (Maybe Tag)
+ tagDocument' tag@(Tag tagKey Nothing) tags = do
+ choice <-
+ P.prompt $
+ P.choice (printf "tag with %s?" tagKey) (("n" :: String) N.:| ["y"])
+ pure $ if (choice == "y") then Just tag else Nothing
+ tagDocument' (Tag tagKey (Just _)) tags = do
+ tagValue <-
+ fmap T.pack . P.prompt $
+ P.string
+ (printf "tag with %s?" tagKey)
+ (map T.unpack $ mapMaybe tagValue tags)
+ pure $
+ if not (T.null tagValue)
+ then Just (Tag tagKey (Just tagValue))
+ else Nothing
ensureGit :: IO ()
ensureGit = do
@@ -468,14 +446,15 @@ debug s x =
fileKey :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
fileKey filePath =
+ -- TODO Use `sha1` instead of `sha256`
showDigest . sha256 <$> LB.readFile filePath
-consume1 :: Bool -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
-consume1 keep filePath = do
+consume1 :: Bool -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+consume1 force keep filePath = do
fKey <- fileKey filePath
let oFilePath = "originals" </> fKey <.> takeExtension filePath
originalExists <- doesFileExist oFilePath
- when originalExists do
+ when (originalExists && not force) do
error (printf "error: error adding %s: duplicate of %s\n" filePath oFilePath)
let iFilePath = "index" </> fKey <.> "json"
originalText <- do
diff --git a/app/Prompt.hs b/app/Prompt.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0548c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/Prompt.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
+module Prompt
+ ( Prompt,
+ prompt,
+ choice,
+ string,
+ help,
+ compact,
+ )
+import Data.Char (isSpace)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as N
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing)
+import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Text.Read (readMaybe)
+data Prompt a where
+ Choice :: Bool -> Maybe (a -> String) -> String -> N.NonEmpty a -> Prompt a
+ String :: Bool -> Maybe (String -> String) -> String -> [String] -> Prompt String
+string :: String -> [String] -> Prompt String
+string = String False Nothing
+choice :: String -> N.NonEmpty a -> Prompt a
+choice = Choice False Nothing
+-- TODO add `help`
+help :: (a -> String) -> Prompt a -> Prompt a
+help h (Choice c _ q as) = Choice c (Just h) q as
+help h (String c _ q as) = String c (Just h) q as
+-- TODO add `compact`
+compact :: Prompt a -> Prompt a
+compact (Choice _ h' q as) = Choice True h' q as
+compact (String _ h' q as) = String True h' q as
+class Promptable a where
+ toString :: a -> String
+ fromString :: String -> Maybe a
+instance Promptable String where
+ toString = id
+ fromString = Just
+prompt :: (Eq a, Promptable a) => Prompt a -> IO a
+prompt p@(Choice c h' q as) = do
+ -- TODO add `help`
+ let p' = String c Nothing q (map toString (N.toList as))
+ a' <- fromString <$> prompt p'
+ if isNothing a' || not (a' `elem` (map Just (N.toList as)))
+ then prompt p
+ else pure (fromJust a')
+prompt p@(String _ _ q as) = do
+ if null as
+ then printf "%s " q
+ else do
+ printf "%s\n" q
+ mapM_ (\(n, a) -> printf "[%d] %s\n" n a) (zip [1 :: Int ..] as)
+ printf "Your choice? [default: %s] " (head as)
+ hFlush stdout
+ a <- strip <$> getLine
+ if null as
+ then pure a
+ else case readMaybe a of
+ Just n ->
+ case drop (n - 1) as of
+ [] -> prompt p
+ (a : _) -> pure a
+ Nothing ->
+ if null a
+ then pure (head as)
+ else pure a
+strip :: String -> String
+strip = stripEnd . stripStart
+stripStart :: String -> String
+stripStart = dropWhile isSpace
+stripEnd :: String -> String
+stripEnd = reverse . stripStart . reverse