path: root/app/Main.hs
diff options
authorLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2024-02-09 15:22:05 +0100
committerLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2024-02-09 15:24:13 +0100
commitd819f3ae93d7fff0c91a559ab9a49157513ba6a8 (patch)
treefc6bcd721d0124544953ae1e08f56dc98853c175 /app/Main.hs
parent3cec8dfc16620c1ee7cb278c9fdd33f9681d0117 (diff)
add query parser & printer
Diffstat (limited to 'app/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/app/Main.hs b/app/Main.hs
index 5ce4dd0..a5efb6d 100644
--- a/app/Main.hs
+++ b/app/Main.hs
@@ -5,86 +5,80 @@
module Main where
import Control.Exception (Exception, throw)
+import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as JK
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as JM
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as LB
-import Data.List (foldl', isSuffixOf)
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
+import Data.Char (isSpace)
+import Data.List (foldl', intercalate, isSuffixOf)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Set qualified as S
import Data.String (IsString (fromString))
import Data.Text qualified as T
+import Data.Void (Void)
import Store qualified as S
import System.Directory (setCurrentDirectory)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as P
import Text.Megaparsec.Char qualified as P
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as P
+import Text.Printf (printf)
main :: IO ()
main = do
setCurrentDirectory "./data"
- putStrLn "> SELECT * FROM c"
- query' $ Select All "c" [] []
- putStrLn "\n> SELECT * FROM j"
- query' $ Select All "j" [] []
- putStrLn "\n> SELECT c.id, j.id, is_j FROM c LEFT JOIN j ON j.id == c.j_id"
- query' $
- Select
- ( Only
- [ Qualified "c" "id",
- Qualified "j" "id",
- Unqualified "is_j"
- ]
- )
- "c"
- [ JoinClause
- JoinLeft
- "j"
- [ Eq (Qualified "j" "id") (Qualified "c" "j_id")
- ]
- ]
- []
- putStrLn "\n> SELECT c.id, j.id FROM c RIGHT JOIN j ON j.id == c.j_id"
- query' $
- Select
- ( Only
- [ Qualified "c" "id",
- Qualified "j" "id"
- ]
- )
- "c"
- [ JoinClause
- JoinRight
- "j"
- [ Eq (Qualified "j" "id") (Qualified "c" "j_id")
- ]
- ]
- []
- putStrLn "\n> SELECT c.id, j.id FROM c FULL JOIN j ON j.id == c.j_id"
- query' $
- Select
- ( Only
- [ Qualified "c" "id",
- Qualified "j" "id"
- ]
- )
- "c"
- [ JoinClause
- JoinFull
- "j"
- [ Eq (Qualified "j" "id") (Qualified "c" "j_id")
- ]
- ]
- []
+ mapM_
+ ( \q -> do
+ printf "> %s\n" (show q)
+ query' q
+ )
+ [ "SELECT * FROM c",
+ "SELECT * FROM j",
+ "SELECT c.id, j.id, is_j FROM c LEFT JOIN j ON j.id == c.j_id",
+ "SELECT c.id, j.id FROM c RIGHT JOIN j ON j.id == c.j_id",
+ "SELECT c.id, j.id FROM c FULL JOIN j ON j.id == c.j_id"
+ ]
data Query
= Select FieldSelector Collection (JoinClauses FilePath) WhereClauses
- deriving (Show)
+instance Show Query where
+ show (Select fs c js ws) =
+ intercalate " " $
+ catMaybes $
+ [ Just "SELECT",
+ Just (showFieldSelector fs),
+ Just "FROM",
+ Just (showCollection c),
+ showJoinClauses js,
+ showWhereClauses ws
+ ]
+ where
+ showFieldSelector All = "*"
+ showFieldSelector (Only fs) = intercalate ", " (map showField fs)
+ showField (Qualified c k) = c <> "." <> T.unpack k
+ showField (Unqualified k) = T.unpack k
+ showCollection c = c
+ showJoinClauses js = case map showJoinClause js of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ xs -> Just (intercalate " " xs)
+ showJoinClause (JoinClause t c ws) =
+ intercalate " " $
+ catMaybes $
+ [ Just (showJoinType t),
+ Just (showCollection c),
+ Just "ON",
+ showWhereClauses ws
+ ]
+ showJoinType JoinLeft = "LEFT JOIN"
+ showJoinType JoinRight = "RIGHT JOIN"
+ showJoinType JoinFull = "FULL JOIN"
+ showWhereClauses ws = case map showWhereClause ws of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ xs -> Just (intercalate " " xs)
+ showWhereClause (Eq a b) = intercalate " " [showField a, "==", showField b]
data FieldSelector
= All
@@ -120,10 +114,98 @@ data Record a
= Record FilePath a
deriving (Show, Eq)
+data ParseError = ParseError String
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Exception ParseError
instance IsString Query where
fromString =
- either throw id (P.parse parser "" s)-}
+ either (throw . ParseError . P.errorBundlePretty @String @Void) id
+ . P.parse parser ""
+ where
+ parser = do
+ void $ P.many P.space1
+ select
+ fs <- fieldSelector
+ from
+ c <- collection
+ js <- joinClauses
+ ws <-
+ fromMaybe [] <$> P.optional do
+ where_
+ whereClauses1
+ P.eof
+ pure $ Select fs c js ws
+ lexeme :: P.Parsec Void String a -> P.Parsec Void String a
+ lexeme = P.lexeme $ void $ P.takeWhileP Nothing isSpace
+ comma, eq, from, on, select, where_ :: P.Parsec Void String ()
+ comma = void $ lexeme (P.string ",")
+ eq = void $ lexeme (P.string "==")
+ from = void $ lexeme (P.string "FROM")
+ on = void $ lexeme (P.string "ON")
+ select = void $ lexeme (P.string "SELECT")
+ where_ = void $ lexeme (P.string "WHERE")
+ collection = lexeme $ P.takeWhile1P (Just "collection") (not . isSpace)
+ joinClauses = P.many joinClause
+ joinClause = do
+ t <- joinType
+ c <- collection
+ on
+ ws <- whereClauses
+ pure $ JoinClause t c ws
+ whereClauses1 = P.some whereClause
+ whereClauses = P.many whereClause
+ whereClause = do
+ a <- field
+ eq
+ b <- field
+ pure $ Eq a b
+ fieldSelector =
+ P.choice
+ [ do
+ void $ lexeme $ P.string "*"
+ pure All,
+ do
+ Only <$> P.sepBy1 field comma
+ ]
+ field :: P.Parsec Void String Field
+ field =
+ lexeme . P.choice $
+ [ P.try do
+ Qualified
+ <$> (P.takeWhile1P Nothing (\c -> not (isSpace c) && c /= ',' && c /= '.'))
+ <*> (P.string "." >> T.pack <$> P.takeWhile1P Nothing (\c -> not (isSpace c) && c /= ',')),
+ do
+ Unqualified
+ <$> (T.pack <$> P.takeWhile1P Nothing (\c -> not (isSpace c) && c /= ','))
+ ]
+ joinType :: P.Parsec Void String JoinType
+ joinType =
+ P.choice
+ [ do
+ void $ lexeme (P.string "LEFT")
+ void $ lexeme (P.string "JOIN")
+ pure JoinLeft,
+ do
+ void $ lexeme (P.string "RIGHT")
+ void $ lexeme (P.string "JOIN")
+ pure JoinRight,
+ do
+ void $ lexeme (P.string "FULL")
+ void $ lexeme (P.string "JOIN")
+ pure JoinFull
+ ]
query :: Query -> IO [J.Value]
query (Select fs c js ws) = do