path: root/src/Store/Query.hs
diff options
authorLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2024-02-13 02:07:20 +0100
committerLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2024-02-13 02:10:56 +0100
commit950eea3ba04e94cf3d5797f9b5d32b2621c89b55 (patch)
tree2e6aee5b7f571ca8022181689d5650a8c1b82f03 /src/Store/Query.hs
parentb110c5904d4b252d0adbb7fbfabd3270a7844fd3 (diff)
refactor library
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Store/Query.hs')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Store/Query.hs b/src/Store/Query.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b63b176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Store/Query.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+module Store.Query
+ ( module Store.Query.Type,
+ query,
+ )
+import Control.Exception (throw)
+import Data.Aeson qualified as J
+import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as JK
+import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as JM
+import Data.List (foldl', isSuffixOf)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as N
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Vector qualified as V
+import Store.Exception (DecodeException (DecodeException))
+import Store.Query.Parser ()
+import Store.Query.Printer ()
+import Store.Query.Record
+import Store.Query.Type
+import Store.Store qualified as S
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+query :: Query -> IO [J.Value]
+query (Select fs c js es w) = do
+ c' <-
+ mapM (fmap (fromValue c) . decodeFile . (c </>)) =<< ls c
+ js' <-
+ mapM
+ ( \(JoinClause t c w) ->
+ fmap (\j' -> JoinClause t (map (fromValue c) j') w) . mapM (decodeFile . (c </>))
+ =<< ls c
+ )
+ js
+ es' <-
+ mapM
+ ( \(EmbedClause c w) ->
+ fmap (\e' -> EmbedClause (fromValue c e') w) . mapM (decodeFile . (c </>))
+ =<< ls c
+ )
+ es
+ pure $ map (Store.Query.select fs) $ where_ w $ embeds es' $ joins js' c'
+ where
+ ls c =
+ filter (not . (isSuffixOf "/"))
+ <$> S.withStore "." "HEAD" do
+ S.listDirectory c
+embeds ::
+ EmbedClauses (Record [J.Value]) ->
+ [Records J.Value] ->
+ [Records J.Value]
+embeds = flip (foldl' embed)
+embed ::
+ [Records J.Value] ->
+ EmbedClause (Record [J.Value]) ->
+ [Records J.Value]
+embed vss (EmbedClause (Record c es) w) =
+ map
+ ( \vs ->
+ vs
+ ++ [ fromValue
+ c
+ ( J.Object
+ ( JM.singleton
+ (JK.fromString c)
+ ( J.Array
+ ( V.fromList
+ [ e
+ | e <- es,
+ satisfies w (vs ++ [Record c e])
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ vss
+joins ::
+ JoinClauses (Records J.Value) ->
+ [Record J.Value] ->
+ [Records J.Value]
+joins js (map (: []) -> vss) = foldl' join vss js
+join ::
+ [Records J.Value] ->
+ JoinClause (Records J.Value) ->
+ [Records J.Value]
+join vss (JoinClause JoinLeft js w) =
+ concatMap
+ ( \vs -> case filter (satisfies w) $ map (\j -> vs ++ [j]) js of
+ [] -> [vs]
+ vs' -> vs'
+ )
+ vss
+join vss (JoinClause JoinRight js w) =
+ concatMap
+ ( \j -> case filter (satisfies w) $ map (\vs -> vs ++ [j]) vss of
+ [] -> [[j]]
+ vs' -> vs'
+ )
+ js
+join vss (JoinClause JoinFull js w) =
+ concatMap
+ ( \vs -> case filter (satisfies w) $ map (\j -> vs ++ [j]) js of
+ [] -> [vs]
+ vs' -> vs'
+ )
+ vss
+ ++ concatMap
+ ( \j -> case filter (satisfies w) $ map (\vs -> vs ++ [j]) vss of
+ [] -> [[j]]
+ _ -> []
+ )
+ js
+select :: FieldSelector -> Records J.Value -> J.Value
+select All vs = disjointUnions (map toValue vs)
+select (Only fs) vs = Store.Query.Record.select (N.toList fs) vs
+where_ :: Maybe WhereClause -> [Records J.Value] -> [Records J.Value]
+where_ w = filter (satisfies w)
+satisfies :: Maybe WhereClause -> Records J.Value -> Bool
+satisfies Nothing _ = True
+satisfies (Just (And ws)) vs = all (\w -> satisfies (Just w) vs) ws
+satisfies (Just (Or ws)) vs = any (\w -> satisfies (Just w) vs) ws
+satisfies (Just (Where (Eq f g))) vs = lookups f vs == lookups g vs
+decodeFile :: J.FromJSON a => Collection -> IO a
+decodeFile fp = S.withStore "." "HEAD" do
+ fromMaybe (throw DecodeException) . J.decode <$> S.readFile fp