diff options
authorLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2024-03-09 14:56:40 +0100
committerLibravatar Alexander Foremny <aforemny@posteo.de>2024-03-09 14:56:41 +0100
commit8b9a3b6ef6277a9e99961c62796d963dd88906a7 (patch)
parentd9031e8767ab0eedbd8dbe677edf5bfdeb6dfedf (diff)
chore: strip trailing newlines by default
Can be disabled by ending the quasi quotation template with a single backslash.
2 files changed, 79 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/src/Process/Shell.hs b/src/Process/Shell.hs
index 24bea95..41a15af 100644
--- a/src/Process/Shell.hs
+++ b/src/Process/Shell.hs
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ import Control.Exception (Exception, throw)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Aeson
-import Data.ByteString qualified as B
-import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LB
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as B
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as LB
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 qualified as LB
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 qualified as B
import Data.Functor.Identity
@@ -38,20 +38,22 @@ import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Prelude hiding (exp)
+data Script = Script (LB.ByteString -> LB.ByteString) String
class Processable m r where
- sh_ :: m String -> m r
+ sh_ :: m Script -> m r
instance (MonadIO m) => Processable m () where
- sh_ = (liftIO . runProcess_ . fromString =<<)
+ sh_ = ((\(Script _ s) -> liftIO (runProcess_ (fromString s))) =<<)
instance (MonadIO m, Outputable a) => Processable m a where
- sh_ = (fmap fromLBS . liftIO . readProcessInterleaved_ . fromString =<<)
+ sh_ = ((\(Script strip s) -> fmap (fromLBS . strip) (liftIO (readProcessInterleaved_ (fromString s)))) =<<)
instance (MonadIO m, Outputable stdout, Outputable stderr) => Processable m (stdout, stderr) where
- sh_ = (fmap (\(out, err) -> (fromLBS out, fromLBS err)) . liftIO . readProcess_ . fromString =<<)
+ sh_ = ((\(Script stripNL s) -> fmap (\(out, err) -> (fromLBS (stripNL out), fromLBS (stripNL err))) (liftIO (readProcess_ (fromString s)))) =<<)
instance (MonadIO m, Outputable stdout, Outputable stderr) => Processable m (ExitCode, stdout, stderr) where
- sh_ = (fmap (\(exitCode, out, err) -> (exitCode, fromLBS out, fromLBS err)) . liftIO . readProcess . fromString =<<)
+ sh_ = ((\(Script stripNL s) -> fmap (\(exitCode, out, err) -> (exitCode, fromLBS (stripNL out), fromLBS (stripNL err))) (liftIO (readProcess (fromString s)))) =<<)
class Outputable a where
fromLBS :: LB.ByteString -> a
@@ -125,41 +127,50 @@ sh = QuasiQuoter quoteExp undefined undefined undefined
quoteExp :: String -> Q Exp
quoteExp =
- either (fail . errorBundlePretty) makeExp
+ either (fail . errorBundlePretty) makeExp'
. parse (parser <* eof) ""
- parser :: ParsecT Void String Identity [Expr (Q Exp)]
+ parser :: ParsecT Void String Identity ([Expr (Q Exp)], Bool)
parser =
- many . choice $
- [ do
- Var False . either fail pure . parseExp
- <$> ( string "#{{"
- *> takeWhile1P Nothing (/= '}')
- <* string "}}"
- ),
- do
- Var True . either fail pure . parseExp
- <$> ( string "'#{{"
- *> takeWhile1P Nothing (/= '}')
- <* string "}}'"
- ),
- do
- Var False . either fail (appE [|pure|] . pure) . parseExp
- <$> ( string "#{"
- *> takeWhile1P Nothing (/= '}')
- <* string "}"
- ),
- do
- Var True . either fail (appE [|pure|] . pure) . parseExp
- <$> ( string "'#{"
- *> takeWhile1P Nothing (/= '}')
- <* string "}'"
- ),
- do
- Lit <$> takeWhile1P Nothing ((&&) <$> (/= '#') <*> (/= '\'')),
- do
- Lit . (: []) <$> satisfy ((||) <$> (== '\'') <*> (== '#'))
- ]
+ (,)
+ <$> ( many . choice . map try $
+ [ do
+ Var False . either fail pure . parseExp
+ <$> ( string "#{{"
+ *> takeWhile1P Nothing (/= '}')
+ <* string "}}"
+ ),
+ do
+ Var True . either fail pure . parseExp
+ <$> ( string "'#{{"
+ *> takeWhile1P Nothing (/= '}')
+ <* string "}}'"
+ ),
+ do
+ Var False . either fail (appE [|pure|] . pure) . parseExp
+ <$> ( string "#{"
+ *> takeWhile1P Nothing (/= '}')
+ <* string "}"
+ ),
+ do
+ Var True . either fail (appE [|pure|] . pure) . parseExp
+ <$> ( string "'#{"
+ *> takeWhile1P Nothing (/= '}')
+ <* string "}'"
+ ),
+ do
+ Lit <$> takeWhile1P Nothing (\c -> all (c /=) ['\'', '#', '\\']),
+ do
+ Lit . (: []) <$> satisfy ((||) <$> (== '\'') <*> (== '#')),
+ do
+ Lit . (: []) <$> satisfy (== '\\') <* lookAhead (satisfy (const True))
+ ]
+ )
+ <*> (isNothing <$> optional (string "\\"))
+ makeExp' :: ([Expr (Q Exp)], Bool) -> Q Exp
+ makeExp' (exprs, False) = [|sh_ (Script id <$> $(makeExp exprs))|]
+ makeExp' (exprs, True) = [|sh_ (Script stripTrailingNLs <$> $(makeExp exprs))|]
makeExp :: [Expr (Q Exp)] -> Q Exp
makeExp exprs = do
@@ -170,18 +181,17 @@ sh = QuasiQuoter quoteExp undefined undefined undefined
Var q _ -> Var q <$> newName "arg"
| expr <- exprs
- [|
- sh_ $
- $( doE $
- [ BindS <$> (varP nam) <*> [|toString <$> $exp|]
- | (Var _ exp, Var _ nam) <- zip exprs exprs'
- ]
- ++ [ NoBindS <$> [|pure $(foldr (\a b -> [|$a ++ $b|]) [|""|] (map toExp exprs'))|]
- ]
- )
- |]
+ doE $
+ [ BindS <$> (varP nam) <*> [|toString <$> $exp|]
+ | (Var _ exp, Var _ nam) <- zip exprs exprs'
+ ]
+ ++ [ NoBindS <$> [|pure $(foldr (\a b -> [|$a ++ $b|]) [|""|] (map toExp exprs'))|]
+ ]
toExp :: Expr Name -> Q Exp
toExp (Lit s) = [|s|]
toExp (Var True nam) = [|squote $(varE nam)|]
toExp (Var False nam) = [|dquote $(varE nam)|]
+stripTrailingNLs :: LB.ByteString -> LB.ByteString
+stripTrailingNLs s = maybe s (stripTrailingNLs) (LB.stripSuffix (LB.pack "\n") s)
diff --git a/test/Main.hs b/test/Main.hs
index e00ccf6..96612dc 100644
--- a/test/Main.hs
+++ b/test/Main.hs
@@ -16,38 +16,40 @@ main :: IO ()
main = hspec do
describe "output" do
it "capture stdout" do
- (`shouldBe` "stdout") . fst @String @String =<< [sh|echo -n stdout|]
+ (`shouldBe` "stdout") . fst @String @String =<< [sh|echo stdout|]
it "capture stderr" do
- (`shouldBe` "stderr") . snd @String =<< [sh|>&2 echo -n stderr|]
- it "capture stdout and stderr interleaved" do
+ (`shouldBe` "stderr") . snd @String =<< [sh|>&2 echo stderr|]
+ it "capture stdout and stderr" do
(`shouldBe` ("stdout", "stderr"))
=<< [sh|
- echo -n stdout
- >&2 echo -n stderr
+ echo stdout
+ >&2 echo stderr
- it "capture interleaved" do
- (`shouldBe` "stdout\nstderr\n")
+ it "capture stdout and stderr interleaved" do
+ (`shouldBe` "stdout\nstderr")
=<< [sh|
echo stdout
>&2 echo stderr
+ it "preserve trailing newline" do
+ (`shouldBe` "stdout\n") . fst @String @String =<< [sh|echo stdout \|]
describe "arguments" do
it "passes `Int`" do
- (`shouldBe` "1") =<< let x = 1 :: Int in [sh|echo -n '#{x}'|]
+ (`shouldBe` "1") =<< let x = 1 :: Int in [sh|echo '#{x}'|]
it "passes `Text`" do
- (`shouldBe` "foobar") =<< let x = T.pack "foobar" in [sh|echo -n '#{x}'|]
- (`shouldBe` "foobar") =<< let x = LT.pack "foobar" in [sh|echo -n '#{x}'|]
+ (`shouldBe` "foobar") =<< let x = T.pack "foobar" in [sh|echo '#{x}'|]
+ (`shouldBe` "foobar") =<< let x = LT.pack "foobar" in [sh|echo '#{x}'|]
it "passes `ByteString`" do
- (`shouldBe` "foobar") =<< let x = B.pack "foobar" in [sh|echo -n '#{x}'|]
- (`shouldBe` "foobar") =<< let x = LB.pack "foobar" in [sh|echo -n '#{x}'|]
+ (`shouldBe` "foobar") =<< let x = B.pack "foobar" in [sh|echo '#{x}'|]
+ (`shouldBe` "foobar") =<< let x = LB.pack "foobar" in [sh|echo '#{x}'|]
it "interpolates expressions" do
- (`shouldBe` "1") =<< let x = 1 :: Int in [sh|echo -n '#{show x}'|]
+ (`shouldBe` "1") =<< let x = 1 :: Int in [sh|echo '#{show x}'|]
it "interpolates monadic expressions" do
- (`shouldBe` "1") =<< let x = 1 :: Int in [sh|echo -n '#{{pure @IO x}}'|]
+ (`shouldBe` "1") =<< let x = 1 :: Int in [sh|echo '#{{pure @IO x}}'|]
it "interpolates monadic expressions" do
- (`shouldBe` "1") =<< runReaderT [sh|echo -n '#{{asks fst}}'|] (1 :: Int, 2 :: Int)
+ (`shouldBe` "1") =<< runReaderT [sh|echo '#{{asks fst}}'|] (1 :: Int, 2 :: Int)
it "preserves argument order" do
- (`shouldBe` "1 2") =<< let x = "1"; y = "2" in [sh|echo -n '#{x}' '#{y}'|]
+ (`shouldBe` "1 2") =<< let x = "1"; y = "2" in [sh|echo '#{x}' '#{y}'|]
describe "quoting" do
it "preserves arguments" do
(`shouldBe` "foo\\ bar")
@@ -63,6 +65,6 @@ main = hspec do
(`shouldBe` "''") =<< let x = "" in [sh|printf %q '#{x}'|]
describe "parsing" do
it "parses shell quotes" do
- (`shouldBe` "foobar") =<< [sh|echo -n 'foobar'|]
+ (`shouldBe` "foobar") =<< [sh|echo 'foobar'|]
it "parses double cross" do
- (`shouldBe` "0") =<< [sh|echo -n $#|]
+ (`shouldBe` "0") =<< [sh|echo $#|]